How to Use Multi Base Lotion - Natures Garden

3 years ago

Learn how to make goats milk lotion at home. With this unscented goats milk lotion base, you can even make a a variety of products. You can make products like face cream, body lotion, body frosting, body mousse, body butter, massage lotion, and spray lotion mist all from this one base!!

Makes 6 different products. (1) To make heavy cream, add 16 oz. water per 1 pound of cream. (2) To make a light cream, add 32 oz. water per 1 pound of cream. (3) To make lotion, add 48 oz. water per pound of cream. (4) To make light lotion, add 64 oz. water per 1 pound of cream. (5) To make Body Milk, add 96 oz. water per pound of cream. (6) To make Body Mist, add 128 oz. water per 1 pound of cream. Note: Body mist will be milky in color.

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