A Dog Bit My Nose Off | SHAKE MY BEAUTY

3 years ago

IRONICALLY despite loving and being around dogs all her life, it was a pit bull attack that led to Gabby losing her nose. Back in June 2017, she went to a friend’s party and was petting a pit bull when it launched itself at Gabby’s face, severing off the tip of her nose as well as biting into her lip. Gabby was rushed to hospital and doctors initially tried to reattach her nose but after the reattachment failed, Gabby had to come to terms with the fact that her face would always look different. She underwent seven surgeries in total. A few months after the attack, Gabby began therapy and was encouraged to use social media as a way of expressing how she felt. Now Gabby gets messages from fellow bite victims and even marriage proposals. When out in public she has had to get used to stares and she admits she still struggles with her altered appearance at times but Gabby is learning to love herself inside and out. She said: “People stare at me all the time. It’s kind of awkward. Don’t feel sorry for me, yeah I suffered from a horrible injury but this is how I look and I love myself. I’m not ashamed of what I look like. This is me and I’m not going to hide myself.”
Social: https://www.instagram.com/luckiystarz90/

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