Young Pine Marten checking out camera

3 years ago

This Martin has been hunting around the ranch all winter, with all the out buildings and fat squirrels robbing our bird feeder's he should do real good this year. Hope to see more of his kind in the coming years.

Description - The marten, or pine marten, is a weasel like animal that is dark brown to blond in color with a paler head and underparts. The tail is long and bushy; the ears pointed and small. Average weight is 1-4 pounds.

Distribution - The marten occurs throughout most of Canada particularly in coniferous forests.

Biology - In April, 2-4 young are born blind in a leaf nest. The marten feeds on squirrels, rabbits, birds, mice, eggs, berries, seeds and honey.

Marten TracksTracks - Although the tracks of the mink and marten are very similar, the habitat is not. While the mink prefers the water the marten is partial to land. Generally the marten has a larger track and in winter the feet are covered in hair which obscures the five toe pads. This hair is not evident in the warmer months. The trail of the marten will show the over-lapping of the front and hind feet and while running a series of four prints in a rough line, a space then the series of four prints is characteristic.

Straddle: 8 - 11 cm (3.2 - 4.4 in)
Stride: 23 - 66 cm (9.2 - 26.4 in)
Track: 3.5 cm (1.4 in) long / 4 cm (1.6 in) wide

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PMB 284 230-1210 Summit Drive
Kamloops BC Canada

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