Petition For Citizenship In Israel A Biblical Argument..I Am A Jew From Sinai...

3 years ago

At Sinai, the Jewish Nation was formed from the Hebrew slaves in Egypt and a mixed multitude from every nation. They accepted the whole law of Moses and agreed to obey it and as a result, they became Jewish. The same is true throughout all of history, any many who wants to follow God must accept the law of Moses in its entirety just as the slave did at Sinai. We are all slaves to sin and this is the only way to come out of the world and become God's chosen people, i.e. the ones who choose the law of Moses given at Sinai.
This is how God chooses His people and is by biblical authority what makes a Jew today. Man's tradition does not nullify God's law and His invitation into His family. The Jews today are a tradition based community that is 80% pagan and anti-scripture in practice. In order to immigrate the law of the Rabinute and Isreal secular government forces a conversion on the men that is Not the worship of the God of the Bible but rather the demon the Jews worshiped all throughout their history: Baal/Vaal. Bacsicallly the whole old testament is God railing again His people for worshiping the "Baal Shem Tov".
It is illegal for a Sinai Jew to immigrate, and if you want to immigrate you cannot serve the God of the Bible but rather Baal, which I will not do.
I have been persecuted for becoming Jewish and spent 7 extra years in prison because I converted at Sinai and would not shave my beard or wear unclean clothes. This not only resulted in 7 extra years in prison for my Jewish faith but 18 uses of force to shave my beard and several uses of force to put the unclean clothes on me with two different types of thread in violation of Leviticus 19:19.
The Nation set aside for God's people has made it illegal to live there in violation of God's call for His people to come home. I have come home and will not leave voluntarily.

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