2018-01-23-Revelation of Tribes, Rulers and Virgins in House of David

3 years ago

Revelation of Tribes, Rulers and Virgins in House of David Pt 28
Notes https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ihEa... - NOTES: 5 - Camp Saints
Son of Zadok (Tribe) https://youtu.be/KQ0L7rMaCwE - VIDEO: Sons of Zadok-144k, Levites-Multitide, Priests in Millennial Temple
Melchizedek Tribe https://youtu.be/tCG6mFjZs-k - VIDEO: Melchizedek Tribe, Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting
Dan and Ephraim https://youtu.be/ahhzBywBi_I - VIDEO: Ephraim and Dan - the Great Multitude - 6th Trumpet Army Part 1
House of David playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... - PLAYLIST: House of David
See also Seats in the House of David https://youtu.be/cHYC9NiPW-Y - VIDEO: Seats in House of David - Joseph / Overcomer Rewards
Yes of course this makes perfect and I LOVE this stuff.
Military commands like "WATCH", "STAND GUARD" and "GIRD YOUR LOINS" come from the Lord of Hosts.
The military order starts with One in the center then Four and after that Twelve. When you say 10-15 others its really 12.
These commands and exchanges can be observed in Zech 1 and 6.
The 4 Captains/Corners are covered here: https://youtu.be/wpfxiLMAYeQ - VIDEO: 4 Horns, 4 Angels/Captains and 207,600,000 - 6th Trumpet Army Part 2 Feb 28, 2017
West relates to your post. Your Watch. There are 4 Watches in the night, you might be awakened at night to "watch and pray" in a window of a 3 hours post. For those interested, these details are covered in the House of David Playlist.
The order of 4 corners is also observed around the King.
2 Chr 23:10 And he set all the people, every man having his weapon in his hand, from the right side of the temple to the left side of the temple, along by the altar (4 horns) and the temple, by the king round about.
Here's the orders of Porters to Watch
3-7 And all the congregation made a covenant with the king in the house of God. And he said unto them, Behold, the King's Son shall Reign, as the Lord hath said of the Sons of David. This is the thing that ye shall do;
1/3 A third part of you entering on the sabbath, of the priests and of the Levites, shall be porters of the doors;
1/3 And a third part shall be at the king's house;
1/3 and a third part at the gate of the foundation: and all the people shall be in the courts of the house of the Lord. But let none come into the house of the Lord, save the Priests, and they that Minister of the Levites; they shall go in, for they are holy: but all the people shall keep the Watch of the Lord. And the Levites shall compass the King round about, every man with his weapons in his hand; and whosoever else cometh into the house, he shall be put to death: but be ye with the King when he cometh in, and when he goeth out.
With the Maccabeans, I'd encourage reading some of the first book. What also is going on is the fight against Hedonism, which in modern times is the practice of Christmas, Easter and Birthdays, in general Christian Paganism.
I'd believe Maccabees also is understood in the Dead Sea Scrolls because at the time as the Maccabean revolt, the Essenes were recording the War Scroll! I should probably teach on this but it's a fascinating Military Order working with the Lord of Hosts and angels. I don't know if others are experiencing these things but I'm in the fight of my life and need the assistance of angels and captains of the host like Joshua.
There's a good book by Peter Flint on the Dead Sea Scrolls, in it is the War Scroll (4Q491).
Here's the text: https://www.qumran.org/js/qumran/hss/4q491 - WEBSITE: War Scroll (4QM / 4Q491)
I'm probably do some more study on this War Scroll and do a message.
In the meantime watch the messages on the Army and Porters.
Just added, thanks so much! Sometimes no one asks... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ihEaeRrcWyAGEyxboL07eGI6fGpkJPa4/view?usp=drivesdk - File Not Found
in the Paleo(that's what were calling it) MaLaKa TazaDaQua is the Order no matter the tribe, you could say a tribe of sorts but in Rev. there are only 12 gates.
I Did pray & do believe I received the Name of my tribe. Can u please tell me when is Purim on the Gregorian calendar? Also I was looking for The Enoch Calendar Todah Rabah 🙏
Feb 25th 15th day of 12th month
Oh and the calendar is here: https://youtu.be/17vNDBNe7Gs - VIDEO: Announcing the 2018 Enoch Calendar Feb 9, 2018
Pdf file in the description field
Purim is a jewish added (talmudic) teaching. There are 7 appointed feasts of Father not 9 (talmudic)
Order of Priest Cycle with Eclipses 2018 ◆ = Beginning of Trumpets,12 winter to 5 summer
Jan 31 Lunar Eclipse (Total) - 11/20/17
Feb 15 Solar Eclipse (Partial) - 》◆1, 12/5/17 - Bilgah
Jul 13 Solar Eclipse (Partial) - 5/1
Jul 27/28 Lunar Eclipse (Total) - 》◆2, 5/15 - Jeshebeab
Aug 11 Solar Eclipse (Partial) - 》5/30
2019 = 11 winter to 5 summer
Jan 5/6 Solar Eclipse (Partial) - 10/26/18
Jan 20/21 Lunar Eclipse (Total) - 》◆3, 11/11/18 - Inmer
Jul 2 Solar Eclipse (Total) - 4/21
Jul 16/17 Lunar Eclipse (Partial) - 》◆4, 5/5 - Hezir
Nov 11 Transit (Mercury) - 9/2
Dec 26 Solar Eclipse (Annular) - 10/16
2020 = 11 winter to 4 summer to 10 winter
Jan 10/11 Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral) - 》◆5, 11/2/19 - Aphses
Jun 5/6 Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral) - 3/28
Jun 21 Solar Eclipse (Annular) - 》◆6, 4/12 - Aphses
Jul 4/5 Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral) - 》4/25
Nov 29/30 Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral) - 9/22
Dec 14 Solar Eclipse (Total) - 》◆7, 10/6 - Pethahiah
2021 ◇ = Beginning of Bowls, 4 summer to 9 fall
May 26 Lunar Eclipse (Total) - [1335] 3/18
Jun 10 Solar Eclipse (Annular) - 》◇1, 4/2 - Jehezekel (Ezekiel)
Nov 18/19 Lunar Eclipse (Partial) - 9/12
Dec 4 Solar Eclipse (Total) - 》◇2, 9/28 - Jachin
2022 = 3 spring to 9 fall
Apr 30 Solar Eclipse (Partial) - 2/23
May 15/16 Lunar Eclipse (Total) - 》◇3, 3/8 - Jachin
Oct 25 Solar Eclipse (Partial) - 8/19
Nov 8 Lunar Eclipse (Total) 》◇4, 9/3 - Gamul
2023 = 2 spring to 8 fall
Apr 20 Solar Eclipse (Total) - 2/14
May 5/6 Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral) - 》◇5, 2/29 - Delialah
Oct 14 Solar Eclipse (Annular) - 8/9
Oct 28/29 Lunar Eclipse (Partial) - 》◇6, 8/23 - Maaziah
2024 = 2 spring to 7 fall
Mar 24/25 Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral) - 1/20
Apr 8 Solar Eclipse (Total) - 》◇7, 2/4 - Maaziah
Sep 17/18 Lunar Eclipse (Partial) - 7/14
Oct 2 Solar Eclipse (Annular) - 》7/29 - Jehoiarib
❤ Leeland who is the prist of the ring of 🔥 eclipse of Dec 2019?👂
It's Bilgah is strongs h1083 בִּלְגָּה ḇilg̱â; from h1082; the name of two Israelites meaning "cheerfulness"
I. a priest of the 15th course, in David's time I Chr 24:14
II. Also the 15th priest of 30 accompanying Zerubbabel in Neh 12:5, 18
A similar name is found in the Counsel of 120 in Neh 10. Bilgai also means "my cheerfulness" h1084 בִּלְגַּי ḇilg̱ay = a priest who covenanted with Nehemiah
Can u please tell me when is Purim on the Gregorian calendar?
Feb 25th 15th day of 12th month
Oh and the calendar is here: https://youtu.be/17vNDBNe7Gs - VIDEO: Announcing the 2018 Enoch Calendar Feb 9, 2018
Pdf file in the description field
There is a problem with your chart of the 12 apostles.
1. Judas iscariot was replaced by Matthias and is tribe of judah. (Matthias is not to be confused with Matthew)
2. Peter was appointed by Messiah to the gentiles, not Paul.
3. Paul was called an apostle 22 times. 2 times by Luke (also not an apostle) and 20 times by Paul. Not one apostle called Paul an apostle.
4. You are missing Jude (not to be confused with Judas iscariot)
Question 1 - For most of the apostles it is not given in scripture what tribe they come from, where are you getting the Information to assign them to tribes?
Question 2 - How could the apostles be assigned to tribes when the 10 northern tribes were already dispersed diaspora at the time of Messiah? You must re-examine your list.
Covered your questions here: https://youtu.be/SHxZ03YodDQ - VIDEO: 12 Apostles Sit to Judge Bride, 288k virgins, 144k wise, Lamb reigns 1260 Pt8 May 5, 2016

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