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Sunday Weekly updates of World News, UK, EU, CA Troubles

3 years ago

***WETHEPEOPLE*** Hold These Truths to be self evident That we have been endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable. ***WETHEPEOPLE*** have been endowed with the power and authority of the Holy Spirit of and from Almighty God to defend and uphold those rights! We speak in the name of God our Creator ****DONOTSTEAL****< ***#DO NOT MURDER***< ***DO NOTFALSE ACCUSEOTHERS*** ***TO NOT BEAR FALSEWITNESS****< ****YOU MUST LOVE GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART SOUL AND SPIRIT> *** **YOU must honor the Sabbath keep it Holy! etc. It is our right duty and responsibility to ourselves and to our fellowman to protect and uphold these rights by stating these God given simple easy laws men must obey! For the good of society. We gathered, wrote it down, ordained before All and to a candid world that these are good wholesome laws that come from God. They are fair just laws for the goodwill or the people. So we live in a very moral society. Well aware that God watches over us! He is in us, with us, lead and guys us, protects us. etc.Fill in the blank.... Part 3 Prophesy Interpretation, by the Spirit, the Word of God, Power of God in 1960'shttps://rumble.com/veex7f-part-3-prophesy-interpretation-by-the-spirit-the-word-of-god-power-of-god-i.html

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