God Hates Idolatry

4 years ago

God, has previously mentioned His distaste for idolaters through Isaiah. Now He brings His full contempt and ridicule to them. He wants to warn the people of Israel and future generation about the strong temptation people will have to worship idols. For the Jews it was when they were captives in Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon. The Lord also wanted to warn and prevent them of their seeking to explore idolatry, which was the sin that did most easily beset the religious community in Babylon and after. Through Isaiah He gave them something to say to the people who were trying to influence them into idolatry. The question the cults and others outside of the truth ask is, Where is your God? The proper response is to explain what history and facts remind us of what God has done and how He has manifested Himself to us so, we must then ask, Where are your gods? Finally, it is important to not fear the non-god of the Lord's enemies, and to witness our hope in the true God.

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