The Dark Side is Real - Schizophrenic Voices - Robert Stanley KGRA 05-11-18

3 years ago

Psychiatry and the medical establishment do not know the cause of schizophrenia nor do they have a cure. Without a single scientific study or any research backing at all psychiatry and the medical establishment have proclaimed that the voices schizophrenics hear are unreal auditory hallucinations. Flying in the face of this unsubstantiated proclamation Jerry reveals that these voices are very real. They run completely predictable and destructive patterns. This revelation flies in the face of the establishment as hallucinations are completely random. They do not run unswerving predictable, destructive patterns. Psychiatry and the medical establishment would see this for themselves if they had not already made up their minds due to the programming of the Ivory Tower. It is the voices which drive paranoid schizophrenia and if gotten rid of by any means all symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia vanish.
Jerry has been a licensed psychotherapist with over 35 years of experience working on the front lines of mental health with schizophrenics and other psychiatric patients in state hospitals, state prisons, mental health centers and hospital emergency rooms. His formal academic training comprises a B.A. in Psychology from Temple University, a Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Georgia, and two years of study in a Ph.D. Psychology program. He was awarded the State of Arizona's Meritorious Service Award and the Pima College Apple Award as an instructor in Abnormal Psychology. He is a Commercial Pilot, a long distance Motorcycle Rider and a Certified Scuba Diver. You can Visit our Website at for articles, videos and our book which was written to circumvent the establishment's propaganda around this topic and the true cause of Paranoid Schizophrenia and other Mental Illnesses.
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