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America's Primary Problem - Forgetting God!

3 years ago

The USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom are facing many difficulties. Could the primary cause be forgetting God? What does the first chapter of the Book of Romans teach? Are there important warnings in Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Habakkuk, Isaiah, and 2 Timothy that most are overlooking or dismissing? Does the Book of Proverbs warn against a generation like ours? Does Ecclesiastes give a reason that people do evil works? Is this consistent with what is prophesied to affect the generation that Jesus said would see the beginning of sorrows, the Great Tribulation, and His return? Is repentance what is needed? Dr. Thiel addresses each of these matters.

An article of related interest is available titled "Our primary problem: Americans have forgotten God" URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/religious-news/our-primary-problem-americans-have-forgotten-god/

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