Excellent beauty of 2 green parrots eating natural guava

3 years ago

A parrot is a rare and beautiful bird with beautiful, multicolored feathers. They are adorable and very wise and intelligent. Parrots in the wild can eat and drink and look for foods and fruits in the wild. It was fun to watch them live and eat in the wild. That's an interesting one. I hope you can also experience and see them in nature more beautiful and smarter than we think.

The video above I captured while visiting a national forest in my country. Vietnam. Vietnam has many national protected areas. Yesterday I visited one of them and it is Tam Dao National Forest.
While visiting the national reserve, I also encountered and saw a lot of animals such as bears, monkeys, giraffes, ... many other animals and many rare birds that times first I have seen it with my own eyes. It was a very interesting experiment for me.
I accidentally met 2 parrots eating guava and I recorded this video and shared it on rumble for everyone to admire and watch the beautiful and funny nature together.
Thank you for reading through this introduction. I love you very much.!!!

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