(SWITCH) Ghost 'N Goblin's Resurrection - 02 - Stage 1b - also Obtain Gold Armor - Legend pt 5

4 years ago

(SWITCH) Ghost 'N Goblin's Resurrection - 02 - Stage 1b - also Obtain Gold Armor - Legend pt 5

To get Gold Armor in this stage you need to: (this is how I did it)
- get to the 2nd check point with the cyclone guys
- on the little island jump and hit downwards will reveal treasure box 1 (don't need to take the item if don't need)
- in the next area with the tentacles, take the left hill get to the first cage trap and it will reveal the 2nd treasure box (don't need take item if don't need)
- after the 2nd cage trap, fall down the water fall and it will reveal the 3 treasure box. If you have normal armor on you will get Gold Armor, if naked you will normal armor.

- I have gotten this pretty consistent on Legend, don't know if it works on other difficulties

Gold Armor gets you 2 extra hits instead of the normal 1, attacks are stronger as well.

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