Cuomo's policies killed 15K NYC seniors, MSM thinks sexual harassment is more important

3 years ago

This 4-minute clip from Tucker’s show on March 5, 2021 is yet another disgusting example of how SOME of the rich left, banking, ruling class are lying, smug, blood-sucking scoundrels. (Sorry, I’m so irritated about how they hurt regular, hard-working Americans, just trying to mind their own businesses and live good lives).

If you don’t like Tucker, this will make you hate him even more because he is a truth-telling, well-intentioned, well-connected, real journalist whose goal is to get the real news out to all Americans. And, the news he shares isn’t for the right or left. The news he shares is directed to working class Americans of faith, who love family and freedom. I love Tucker for his commitment of truth-telling.

McKinsey and Company is an employment agency for the elite class. In April 2020 Peter Walker, executive explicitly defended China’s response to the Corona virus because of course he can’t speak against China. Why, China is money. So, their lieing about that, and the lied about the deaths of old folks in nursing homes, over 15,000.

Tucker also reported on Cuomo’s sexual harassment accusations, and welcomed Ned Ryun American Majority CEO to share his opinion.
Why are the left distracting from the big issue—Cuomo’s devastating decisions that killed 15,000? Simple. They distract you with then issue of sexual misconduct and harassment to avoid telling the truth because then they’d look stupid for hailing him as America’s darling governor, along with wretched Gretchen Whitnit whose polcies were just as devastating. Anyway, it’s another convenient way to take him out and “help clear the deck for Kamala!”

BTW…McKinsey’s 600 Million Dollar settlement for their role in the opioid crisis. That’s worth digging into as well. Why would anyone innocent settle by paying $600 Million?

This is why we are working to grow a community. We need to help one another stay in the know, decipher what's true and what's false and protect our assets: our families, faith, freedom, farms, foundations!

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