Part 3 Prophesy Interpretation, by the Spirit, the Word of God, Power of God in 1960's

3 years ago

Read Along: Prophesy Interpretation, by the Spirit the Word of God Power of God in 1960's
Part 3
Everyone, Patriots, Honest People must preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Have The Holy Spirit. All people must definitely know right from wrong.
Judges, Lawyers, Police Officers, serve the people against the most violent law breakers. Mothers and Fathers are the first to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Stop breaking the Ten Commandments, stop being angry, stop being violent. Start doing the right thing. Love, kindness, prayer, farm.
It is Very Very important that God tells each person what the right thing is to do. God of course decides what the right thing is. If God can send someone to hell because they sinned. God has to write the Truth, what is right, his ways, his Ten Commandments, his correct way on our hearts, minds when we are born. This is why Jesus said you must be converted become as a child. Remember what you knew at 2, 3, 4 years old.. Remember what God's Holy Spirit showed you what the right thing to do is. Wisdom that comes only from looking to God for his perfect love and wisdom.
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