The world is watching closely to violence. Dictatorship is main reason of extreme climate

3 years ago

The world is watching closely the violence in Myanmar, Hong Kong, Tibet, Uighre , inner Mongolia, Mainland of China as well as the pandemic all over the world caused by CCP.
Coz China has the most cancer patients in the world, it's not hard to deduce that China is the most serious one for all kinds of pollution. So China should take the main responsibility of extreme global climate.
Dictatorship is the main reason of pollution and extreme climate.
Chinese people totally lose the ability to protect their basic human rights , so the pollution in China is out of control and much more serious than any other countries. The Paris agreement and per capita emission are schemes of CCP. BTW nobody knows the real population of China, how could you talk about per capita.
More CCP lies on my channel.
奇怪的是所有国家都在围观缅甸,香港,新疆,内蒙,西藏, 大陆的极权对人民镇压暴行,还包括其本国的来自中共的疫情,毫无动作。大陆人口的真实数据不详,百姓显然对中共的肆意污染无法抗议和自保,全球数量最多的癌症1患者在中国。极权中共使得中国的污染情况完全失控,殃及周边环境以及全球, 是全球极端气候的主要原因之一。巴黎气候协议和人均碳排放量显然都是骗局。更多在本频道。

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