The Holy Spirit SEES Through YOUR Eyes

3 years ago

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The pathway of true born again believers is one of growth and maturity. Nothing can be had all at once of course. The first thing every new believer starts out with is the knowledge that the Holy Spirit comes and lives within them. The sad part is, that's where it ends for the rest of the lives of Christian multitudes.

As time progresses frequent Bible studies, and every-now-and-then sermons discuss Him. Still, the multitudes go no further then frustrated, empty, religious lives. They pray, read their Bibles, attend studies, go to Church and exert all kinds of spiritual exercises. All the while the Holy Spirit is largely ignored. Many say they never have heard Him speak to their hearts. They say they do not ever feel His leading, or sense His witness, power or movement.

What has taken His place is all kinds of activities that "make up for it." But emptiness and unfruitful, deadness prevail. Many years ago a very dear old friend named David Neale, a wonderful intercessor shared something very beautiful to me. On one of my visits with him he told me that the Holy Spirit had spoken to him. I asked him what He said. He replied, "As I was sitting in my room, I heard Him say to me, 'I see through your eyes." He wept when he told me that and I will never forget it. I remembered those words lately and they grabbed me once again.

We need the Holy Spirit, and must remember that He is given to us to protect us, teach us, lift us up, warn us, convict us. And not only that but to give us joy and comfort, and to mature us. The Three in One and One in Three is Him. His life makes our lives fruitful and to abound in everything that Christ is. And finally to prepare us to enter into glory as His finished work presented to Christ. Put away the religious noise and acrobats out of your lives, and be quiet before Him. Make room for Him in prayer. Just be still....let Him move.




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