City Shasta Lake Vax Clinic Feb 27 2021

4 years ago

February 27, 2021

Shasta County Citizen Journalist

Shasta County Public Health Vaccination Clinic
City of Shasta Lake, Cal.


Medical personnel on standby in case of need.

1:30 meet with Jillian Haskett, Public Info. Officer,
4:25 Jillian repeats that Karen Ramstrom stated that “death” is not a side effect of the COVID vaccine.
6:16 she says “we're depending on the public to report adverse reactions to VAERS”.
13:15 we expose the 22 page sheet Moderna is available and has more info. that the 5 page sheet HHSA is giving out. Jillian, says she will look into it.
16:40 Corey stresses that “informed consent” is now shifted to the patient instead of the provider of “health care”. THat is a major paradigm shift!!
20:30 Jillian is confronted that even though medical terminology mostly shows a vaccine must contain an attenuated version of the virus/bacteria, and the COVID 19 vaccine admittedly does NOT contain COVID 19 strain, she says since Karen Ramstrom says it's a vaccine, they have to treat it as such.
21:10 Lori states the COVID 19 is labeled a “vaccine” so it gets the federal immunity against lawsuits.
23:25 Jillian tells us we have to restrict our movements. I explain we have already dealt with the issue of Freedom of Press with law enforcement. We tell her we will stay out of the way and not interfere with ANY operations.
26:55 Lori makes comment asking if security has anything to say to Corey, Securitas employee takes offense and turns around to square off??
29:20 private security “securitas” attempts to tell us we are not allowed to continue in the area we wish to go.
30:00 security radios “go ahead make the call” meaning call the police since we are not obeying security.
31:26 badge number 67013 and ??? guy covers up his badge #, what is he hiding??
38:45 security physically blocking Richard while walking.

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