Will You Help Me Build The City of God

3 years ago

Hello Family,

Repost from May 2020

This morning the Lord was playing all songs about “faith” living by faith and not by sight and you’re great faithfulness. As I was just about to doze off then you played “ John Micheal Talbot song “city of God” and the lyrics wow if you weren’t talking to me holy spirit lol. Said “to awake from my slumber, awake from my sleep” that it’s time to build the city of God, a great light has come and will set the captives free. I was stunned but smiling as I knew you were talking to me saying “Lets get to work girl”

So I am here Lord I am here before forgive me for my tiredness, weariness and restless in worrying instead of trusting you help me Lord

Jesus began,
“My beloved I am here and have forgiven you little one indeed this is a time to work like never before with me right next to you as we are doing this, building this, together dear one. Its exciting and fun for me to work with you I truly love it “

I said,
Aww Jesus I really love it too please help me because I Have no idea where to began or how to start going about this

Jesus responded,
“There will be many opportunities the devils will take to make you weary and tired my little one to stop you from coming to me and working this out. Remember allow me to be your source of strength in the morning and even in the evenings my grace is always sufficient for you in your weariness and for the work you still have at the community and this work as well. They are both equally important. Focus beloved focus”

I responded,
Sorry Lord please help me
Jesus continued,
“This community will be a city on a hill, and a light to the nations beloved one. Many will come far and wide to eat of it’s fruits which will be brotherly love, prayer, hope, and faith and healing. Many words of wisdom and knowledge will be given from the children. Keep the children at the center do not push them back as many do. The children in this community will be the brightest lights emanating my love, my faith, and my power. It is the little ones that will lead the way that’s why we have asked you to start with the children. Teach them all that I have commanded you beloved. In great compassion and patience for they will continue to carry this community once you are gone. There will be a place for those who have no homes. Take care of the poorest of the poor, the adolescents who have no stable family, the sick and dying as well however that will come a little later. There will be a creative center where those who come can grow in their gifts and publish my work to send out, reaching people groups who haven’t ever heard the sweetness of my still small voice. A place of unity and peace among brethren despite denominations. A people who are called by my name who just simply love me. A community for the simple hearted and those who want to grow in child like faith and love. This is what the community is about. Many will be set free of ailments and bondage's as you equip them in spiritual warfare and humility. Which is your greatest protection from the enemy. I have called you to be a treasure hunter, seeking out the souls who have been outcast, rejected by society and even the church. Who desire something so much more deeper than the mundane everyday to day life and Christian life as they see it. Something much richer, a rich life that consist of the fullness of my presence, the abundance of my grace and my never ending love with them and working through them. My dear ones I petition to you now as you hear me, my beloved ones I have been tugging on your hearts for a while now. You have been looking for something deeper a life that truly imitates me when I walked the earth. I am calling you now to sell all your possessions give to the poor, leave everything and come follow me to Ghana.

We are a full-time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you a hundred-fold, both now and in the age to come. You can't out-give the Lord! May He enfold you in His Loving Arms.


We are a full-time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you a hundred-fold, both now and in the age to come. You can't out-give the Lord! May He enfold you in His Loving Arms.

Email: Maryelisha@fromjesuswithloveministry.org
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