I Will Carry You In This Hour Of Trial

3 years ago

Hello family,

Today I had a wonderful time in worship as the Lord played beautiful songs of his love over me and of his embrace. I love to sing in worship, but this morning I felt the Lord just wanted me to receive his love as I felt like a pile of mush in the chair melted by his love and so lavishly loved by him. However, it was cut short because we had to go to our community Lords supper, and it was wonderful! After we were done, I hurried back home to do exactly what he has been asking me to do, wait on him and sit to hear his heart.

On the way back to my place I checked my phone and received a message from a soul who I have been praying for, now about 3 years. He is called to help with the community in Ghana.

I thought we had some breakthrough when Blessed Mother told me to share the mission with him and have him join our intercessory group so he could see the vision of this call because the Lord had initially given the vision of the City of God to him. However, upon answering the call to come to the community our friendship was severed with all my other friendships.

So I didn’t think he would respond to it at all, but he did and joined us. Then said he would help after seeing the website, meeting the group and seeing the vision come to life! I was so elated and amazed that the Lord had finally answered my prayer because I had been so disappointed so many times before . I sent him an email with all the messages and details concerning the mission in hopes it would inspire him even further as I have been excitingly waiting for his response

On my way back he finally responded that he didn’t want to be too involved anymore and would refer his friend to help us instead. I thought waaa and felt so disappointed yet again. Then I got a rhema once I arrived at our places and it read “If your path is more difficult strewn with those who have become captives to “fear of deception” it is because of your high calling press in.

I realized the rhema was about him as arrows of rejection hit my heart because I poured out the Lords heart to him with this mission and was hurt that he still feels I am deceived.

Then the next rhema card said “do not become too uneasy in the hour of trial but try to bear everything with Love/. Jesus will be favorable towards you and will grant you the grace to lead a totally heavenly life and nothing will be able to separate you from his love” …. Jesus is always with you rest sweetly in his heart like a child in a Mothers Arms.

After reading that I tried to tell myself not to be discouraged, to trust the Lord, that it would all work out in the end like he said and I need to have faith, but I couldn’t fight this keen sense of rejection and pain in my heart as I stared at the Lord in the Eucharistic. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes and I was surprised how I took the news and just began to cry feeling so weary in my prayers for this soul and feeling hurt that they felt I was still deceived.

I didn’t want to get my emotions in the way of what the Lord was trying to say, and it was a busy day in the community with our phones going off, walkies going off and I didn’t I wanted to give up in trying to hear from him because there was no silence to be found, but I knew he said for me to try. So, I went outside to sit for a while and see if the Lord had something to say

I came before him saying Hello Lord, Jesus what’s on your heart?
I’m so sorry I feel so distracted with the noise and with my feelings Lord. It’s a busy day in the community

Jesus immediately responded,
“But not so busy in your heart. Thank you for waiting on me beloved and pressing in to hear from me. Come my little one, I am truly carrying you as I hold you so tenderly in my arms. In my embrace is all that you need to move forward, to be strengthened to do my will and courage to move forward

Thank you, Lord, for holding me, consoling me and encouraging me

Jesus began,“Many of you need to rest in my embrace like this little one. So many times, you too seek to squirm and jump out of my arms in a hurry to get things done, in your pride to do things your way and in your strengthen when you are broken, tired and bleeding.

We are a full-time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you a hundred-fold, both now and in the age to come. You can't out-give the Lord! May He enfold you in His Loving Arms.


We are a full-time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you a hundred-fold, both now and in the age to come. You can't out-give the Lord! May He enfold you in His Loving Arms.

Email: Maryelisha@fromjesuswithloveministry.org
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