Serious Prayer Alert! Pray For the Leader of The Islamic Terrorist Group Boko Harem

3 years ago

Hello brothers and sisters and YouTube family. Hope you guys are being blessed.

I felt this was a strong and urgent call to prayer for our nation and for the world! We all know tomorrow is a vital day in our nation and for the world concerning the dispute with the election. We must cover President Trump with much prayer and vigilance on our part. There is so much darkness right now and your prayers are powerful Heartdwellers. That’s why the Lord can count on you when he reveals to us anything in the spirit it is to redeem. With that said I would like to share with you some dreams I had this morning....

Most importantly the first half of my dream was about an attack from Muslims in the United States. In the dream I was inside an international building, but in a big courthouse. Where the TV was on and a news reporter mentioned that 664 people had been killed, I felt strongly it was l in the US. They’re where a lot of people going in and out of the door of the courthouse but in a single file line. The line that was exiting the courthouse were nothing, but Muslims and the other line coming into the courthouse I felt were Americans. As the announcement was made those in the Muslim line raised their hands high in victory and in celebration as if to take full responsibility of the attack. I thought to myself wow, they are that bold to not only celebrate, but to make it known they were responsible for that. Then I woke up

I sat there for a while contemplating what the dream meant and decided that I would lift up this intention in prayer during the Lords supper for my Muslim brothers and sisters and that any attack against the US will be thwarted. After prayer however, I pulled the rhema

“Say a rosary for the Leader of Boko Harem Abubakar Shekau”

I realized what I had dreamed was very serious and it begins with the Leader of the Muslim Islamic Terrorist group Boko Harem which based in Nigeria and have terrorized certain provinces of Nigeria for over 10 years now. I had a vision of him months ago when the Lord began to really impress upon my heart the suffering of the Nigerian Christians by this militia. 300 Christians had been killed in a village by them. I saw the leader sitting in a chair at a table surrounded with soldiers. I was crying out to the Lord and blessed Mother for her intercession over his soul. I had just found out the power of the miraculous medal and by watching a powerful testimony of how she drew a Satanist out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God and now he is a soldier for the Lord. It was powerful and I will have a link to the testimony video in the description. So, I began to plead for this young man and ask her to put miraculous medal on him. In the vision I saw her enter the room and move around the soldiers and she placed a miraculous medal on the Leader Abubakar. I was dumbfounded and elated thinking he is the Lords now whether he realizes it or not. I then made the rhema card at that time to remind myself to continue to pray for him and then I believe Blessed Mother had me pull this rhema card this morning after the dream.

I sent this out to the community and Mother Clare declared 2 days of prayer to cover our nation and President because she and Father Ezekiel had a sense of something bad planned for the march tomorrow. There has been talks of hostility between Iran and Israel spiking up and leaders declaring President Trumps death so we must pray.


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