The Three Voices You Hear In Prayer

3 years ago

Hello brothers and sisters and Youtube family. Hope you guys are being blessed.
As we continue the series on discernment I wanted to share some insight Mother Clare did in a messages years ago concerning discerning between the three voices you hear in prayer.
As I taught on the nature, the heart and character of God in the last message that is a wonderful standard you can use concerning the instructions or words you hear. Does it line up with the character, nature, heart of God? Does what you’re hearing line up with his word? Does what you’re hearing puff you up or sooth what you want to hear or what you desire? These questions are important and many times when you go back to re-read a message you will get a check in your gut about a word or a phrase is something seems a bit off the Holy Spirit is faithful to warn you. If we would catch his warnings.
Another things is familiar spirits are really good at sounding “familiar” so they can sound just like Jesus. We have to go much deeper in discernment rather than assuming everything we see, think or hear in prayer is from the Lord. We have to go deeper and that is why I will finish this series on providing you with many tools you can use for discernment.

Here Mother Clare begins sharing her experience and teaching us how to discern between the three voices in prayer
Mother Clare begins,

I’d like to share with you three things that I have learned
over the years about listening to the Lord, and knowing for sure that it's Him you're listening to. The title of this is "The Three Voices of the Spirit". Life would be so much simpler for souls that really want to hear and obey God and please Him, if they could only hear His voice clearly and know for sure, it's Jesus.

I've consistently, all my Christian life, heard three different voices that come from three different sources in the spirit during prayer: the voice of my mind, which sounds like what we would call "talking to ourselves". On a day-to-day basis, it's a running dialogue of opinions and chatter. However, when we're seriously listening for the Lord, it tends to tell us what WE want to hear.
The second is the demon's voice, which sounds affectionate, reasonable, persuasive, and very compatible with our own thoughts and desires. It tells us what we want to hear or what makes sense. At other times it accuses us or other people, drawing us into judgment, which the devils know is a way to open the door for them to come in and sift us. If they can't get away with lying to us about good things to set us off course, it will switch to the discouragement mode.

As an aside here I know that too well guys, Lord help us.....
Okay, so I want to give you an example of three clear messages about the same topic as you'd hear them in your prayer time and write them down, believing it was Jesus speaking to you.

The first one. When I began singing, I wanted to have a powerful voice, and in prayer when I was seeking the Lord, I heard "Work your voice and it will be powerful."

Okay, the next voice: "Your voice will be much more powerful than that singer you so admire. She's very good, but your voice is outstanding. Work it day and night and you'll get there." Okay, that's the second voice.

The third voice: "Your voice is unique to you, just as other singers have their own beauty. Don't copy other vocalists. Work consistently and you will in time blossom into your own."


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