How To Discern The Voice of God

3 years ago

Hello brothers and sisters and YouTube family. Hope you guys are being blessed

Thank you so much for your patience and prayers I am in much need of them. I know it's been a while since I put up a message. It has been such a busy week here in the community for me and such a trial with me and Jesus. Hopefully will have a message about that soon, however, as we continue on in the series about discernment. It’s important to be able to discern God’s voice and I think that is the greatest desire many seek whether they are Christians or not. I once heard google say that “how to hear Gods voice” was the number constant search for a while.

The beautiful thing about our Christian life is that you don’t have to go anywhere to find God but when you give your life to Jesus, he makes his dwelling within you. So, the voice of God speaks to your heart.

John 14:23
Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching.

Jesus can speak in different variation with images, with senses, with infused knowledge, with ideas, inspirations and with words. It’s all comes down to intimacy my dear ones. It’s just liked any relationship you have to work at it, practice at it. As the scripture says concerning discernment in Hebrews 5:14
But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.

To be able to discern Gods voice you must KNOW him. So how can one get to know God? By spending time with him in prayer. Learning about his ways in his word. Which will give you an idea of his character, for you to better discern when you hear something if it’s actually from him.

In my first-year walking with the Lord I desperately wanted to hear his voice like my cousin. Who was the one who led me into a life of surrender with him. She had such an intimacy with him that I was so jealous for. I would whine and complain as I would always ask her why he is not talking to me. Then one day she sent me a meme with a guy speaking to God saying “talk to me” and then a giant hand from heaven reaches down with a bible to him. I thought really Lord funny, I know I should read the Bible, but I honestly didn’t want too I wanted to hear from him.

So, let’s stop right there. I was just reading in adoration a statement from one of the Holy Books which I think is applicable here and it says, and I am paraphrasing Theology, or the scriptures should lead you into communion with God and a service of love, but theology without that is a monster that even separates people from Him. There are many souls who have not read the Bible but walk-in deep intimacy with the Lord and many who know the Bible from cover to cover but have no intimacy whatsoever. However, in these teachings were not just covering how to hear Gods voice, but discernment. That is necessary to discern if what you’re hearing, the instructions, the visions and directions you’re getting are from Him. You must know his heart. At that time when my cousin sent me that image, she also encouraged me to read his word. So, with Holy Spirit I went through the gospels and began to have an understanding of the directions, dreams and thoughts that I had in prayer realizing they were from God. He was speaking to me the whole time, but I didn’t know it.


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