Episode - 230221, Unity, Being Accountable and Prepared

3 years ago

We always hear sound-bites and comments recommending we unite to solve our common problems, but is this really practical considering the current state of affairs and where our minds are at?

What we need to do to prepare for the new world we want. The efforts we individually need to put in to get the results we want, which starts with taking responsibility for our thoughts, speech and actions, and repairing our character so we become the beacon of light we look for in our leaders... If we want a better world, we need to be better people and this involves being accountable for our thoughts, speech and actions, and even our inactions as well...


Looking at the impact of lies we tell ourselves and how it contributes to the world we currently find ourselves in, in my opinion that is.

The objective is to be prepared for as much as I can prepare for as the uncertainty closes in at a ever suspicious pace.

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