New World Order Resistance Coming

4 years ago

Hello Family,

This message was given to me the following day President Trump tweeted that he had the covid virus. Mother Clare had a dream that night of the New World Order taking over our nation and all the elderly people in our nation being forced to moved out of their homes and rounded up. We here in the community were all praying for him and have been praying for him and Melania for a speedy healthy recovery. More importantly that this would be a wake up call for our nation and bring conviction in our president in the areas the Lord has told us to pray for him. That he wouldn’t be focused on making America great again, but making our nation Holy again. That our laws and our ways would be righteous according to the word and will of God. The Lord has made it clear despite the opinion of the mass media that Donald Trump is a brilliant man, anointed and graced for this job as president of our nation by God. He is a believer and has given his life to the Lord, but just like any believer there still many areas in our lives that need sanctification. Just like Cyrus in Isaiah, he will in fact do the Lords will, but we must pray for him, behind him and stand with him in this election.

Here in Isaiah 45 it says

“This is what the Lord says to his anointed,
to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of
to subdue nations before him
and to strip kings of their armor,
to open doors before him
so that gates will not be shut:
I will go before you
and will level the mountains[a];
I will break down gates of bronze
and cut through bars of iron....

Upon having that dream Mother Clare called us all to urgent prayer for our nation. I went into prayer and heard the Lord say
“Resistance from the New World Order is coming”

And I said Lord, but isn’t already here and so apparent?

Jesus began,

“No beloved too a few yes, but to majority of the masses no. My people are starting to wake up, but not too repentance that needs to take place. They are waking up by lies being told to them by the deep state and by the lying media to condition them for the new world order. Continue to pray for your president fervently. It is by your prayers my beloved ones that he still alive. This sickness of covid was deliberately planned to weaken your president and to touch him at his most vulnerable state, but I am in control my beloved ones. I permit all things and won’t allow their wicked plans to go forth. This will all be used for your presidents good as I am visiting him and his wife daily with consolation and a heart of contrition. That although President with all the protection he had I can allow sickness to touch him and that his only protection is from me. I hold his life in his hands. All of these thoughts and so much more have been going through his mind. That his life is, but a vapor and he must live it for me. He must be serious to do my will and see the errors of his ways. This is my provision for your prayers my people. That your presidents heart would be soften and he would be convicted of the areas of avarice, greed, and honor of man that have consumed his life even as a child. That is all being broken down right now in him and his wife. I am indeed forming him into a new man once he arises from the ashes of death. Death to these old and infected areas of his life. I will raise him up to bring this nation to righteousness and repentance. I am by no means done with him yet this is only the beginning of what I intend to in his next term if my beloved brides and people continue to pray like never before.

The New world order and shadow government will take advantage of this time. Especially during the elections they have already planted snakes within the Republican Party to cause much infighting and confusion in the ranks. So there will be no unity, ballots stolen and smear campaigns within the their own party, but just like I did for Gideon so will I do for your president. By causing confusion in their ranks and infighting amongst themselves so that their plans won’t prosper. They will continue to insight the people and masses to protest, riots and false grass root movements of new independent parties who seem for the people. Especially geared towards the young minds of this world and in universities and colleges all over your nation, under the guise of democracy and freedom. When they are funded and very much apart of this new world system they so desperately want to enforce, but it is not yet time.

Fb page:@Heartdwellers Ghana


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