#9 - Hans Koning on DigiByte, Disintermediation & the Economy

3 years ago

Hans Koning is the Chair of the DigiByte Foundation. He explains not only DigiByte, but also offers immense knowledge on the current economy and financial system. The DigiByte Foundation's focus is to ensure there is a low barrier for entrants across the globe looking to join the new peer-to-peer system which gives power back to the people. In this discussion various topics were brought up such as: The current problem in the financial world, hyperinflation, the lack of trust in society being the main driver for decentralization, DigiByte offering the solutions to these problems, the economy, and much more.

Want to jump straight into the main points?

- (4:00​) What is DigiByte and what problem does it solve?

- (9:15​) Growing community of crypto in Latin America, Africa, Asia due to hyperinflation

- (13:10​) Complacency in 1st world countries being the barrier to understanding Bitcoin, DigiByte and the power of decentralization

- (18:42​) Lack of trust in our society/government/system as the main driver for decentralization and taking out the middleman

- (22:24​) What does it take for people to understand the current problem with our system?

- (26:22​) How to spread the message to the world about the power of crypto/decentralization and and the freedom it brings

- (28:58​) Printing of trillions, wealth gap, economic disaster, the Federal Reserve saving the stock market at the expense of the purchasing power of the little guy

- (33:40​) A new Bretton/Blockhain Woods needed to form a new financial structure

- (35:30​) Will governments accept blockchain and decentralization or fight it?

- (37:00​) The threat to the business model of central banks

- (40:30​) Banks becoming custodians of crypto - Not Your Keys, Not Your Coins

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