Reflections on the American political system (2):对美国政治制度的反思(二)

3 years ago

Reflections on the American political system (2)
——The procuratorial power should be independent as the fourth power
Whether the procuratorial power should be independent is a question we have been studying. The bottom-up judicial corruption in the United States this time has strongly proved the necessity of the independence of procuratorial power.
The US government is a presidential system under the separation of executive power, legislative power, and judicial power. Prosecutorial power belongs to the administrative department of the Ministry of Justice. The Minister of Justice is also the Federal Attorney General, and the states are also the same. Everyone often sees such a situation: When a special investigation is required for a certain event, the President or the Attorney General can appoint a special prosecutor to conduct the investigation. This is a major defect caused by the non-independence of the procuratorial power. If the prosecutorial power is the fourth independent power, and every prosecutor is a special prosecutor, why wait until something happens before appointing a special prosecutor?
We often think about a question: Under the presidential system under the separation of powers, the president is restricted by the parliament, and the parliament is restricted by the majority of votes. What is the judicial restriction? One answer is: it is supervised by the media and freedom of speech. And this time the case of the United States tells us that the media will also become a political tool and speech will be blocked. Who will restrict justice? In addition, who supervises the abuses, omissions, and deliberate cover-up of criminal facts displayed by the US Department of Justice, FBI, and CIA? Who will supervise the dereliction of duty by government officials and civil servants at all levels? These questions tell us a fact that requires the independence of prosecutorial power.
When the procuratorial power is independent, any prosecutor can independently exercise his procuratorial power against judges in his jurisdiction, omissions or violations of law enforcement personnel, malfeasance of officials and civil servants, and even crimes committed by the president. , Including the power of investigation and investigation, no one may interfere. If it is verified that it has constituted a crime of breaking the law, crime of dereliction of duty, crime of corruption, crime of bribery, treason, crime of endangering national security, etc., the prosecutor can directly act as a public prosecutor and represent the country to initiate a public prosecution. It should be noted that, for major criminal cases that need to be prosecuted by the criminal investigation department, the prosecution should be initiated by the public prosecutor's identity, not the personal prosecutor's identity.
We discovered a new problem in the research process, that is, if the prosecutor’s dereliction of duty, who will supervise it? Based on the above-mentioned types of cases handled by prosecutors, most of the clues come from the fact that citizens report. We believe that the law should give citizens a special right to sue, and allow citizens to file a lawsuit against the prosecutor's malfeasance. In this way, a perfect closed loop of power supervision and checks and balances can be formed: citizens elect the president and the parliament, and the president is restricted by the parliament; the president and the parliament appoint judges and government officials; judges and government officials, including civil servants, are supervised by the prosecutor; Supervision by all citizens. The same goes for the states.
After the 2020 U.S. election, people have seen the separation of powers that was highly respected in the past. Today, the executive (such as the Department of Justice, FBI, CIA, etc.), legislation (Congress), and justice (court) are all rotten, so there is a fallacy and Heresy prevails. If there is no faith, no matter how good the system is, it is useless. The fact is that the system of separation of powers in the United States is not perfect, and there are still many flaws. It is these imperfections and shortcomings that have led to the corruption of the administration, legislation, and judiciary in the United States today. A basic common sense is that for the governance of a country, it must rely on a sound system rather than belief. If mankind wants to move forward to a higher civilization, it must continue to design and improve more perfect systems.
We have comparatively studied Taiwan’s political system. Taiwan has always implemented the presidential system under the five powers of executive power, legislative power, judicial power, procuratorial power, and examination power proposed by Sun Yat-sen. Taiwan has become a model of freedom and democracy in the world, and social civilization. Model student. This indicates that the Chinese civilization can contribute and set an example for human civilization in the world, and it can also become a beacon of human freedom and democracy. Let me ask: Is the success of Taiwan a success of the system? Or is it a success of faith? We believe that the independence of the procuratorial power is one of the important power checks and balances.
However, whether the independence of examination rights in the Taiwan system is necessary or not, in terms of its universality, we hold a negative view. We believe that the presidential or parliamentary system under the separation of executive power, legislative power, judicial power, and procuratorial power is the most ideal political model for modern politics, and it is universally adaptable, and China is no exception.
2020年美国大选后,人们看到了从前推崇备至的三权分立,今天行政(如司法部、FBI、 CIA等)、立法(国会)、和司法(法院)都烂透了,于是有一种谬论和邪说大行其道,说什么如果没有信仰,再好的制度也没用。事实是,美国的三权分立制度并不完美,还有很多缺陷。正是这些不完美和缺陷,才导致了美国今天行政及立法和司法的腐败。一个基本常识是,对于一个国家治理而言,一定是靠完善的制度而非信仰。人类要不断向更高文明前行,就必须不断设计并完善更完美的制度。

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