Stargate Crusade Mod Beta - Goa'uld Base 4 - AvP2 Custom Map (Complete Playthrough)

3 years ago

Aliens vs Predator 2 single player custom map titled "Goa'uld Base 4" from Stargate Crusade Mod Beta.

Mod authors: Sasa and Sker.
Map author: Unknown.

Map review:

This is a rare gem as far as AvP2 mods go. Sasa released two versions of his Stargate mod. One of them is sgc_beta.rar and the other is stargate_mod_beta_0.1.rar. The former has this single player map titled "Goa'uld Base 4". The latter doesn't have this map, but has several Stargate maps for multiplayer. Furthermore, both versions of the mod are different but similar. Each version of the mod is beta with loads of bugs. When I tried to get this map to work by running the sgc_beta.rar version of the mod, the game would crash anytime I loaded the map. I took apart the rez file and realized that it was the FX.txt attributes file that was causing the game to crash. If I removed the FX.txt file, the map would load, but the enemies would be glitched and couldn't attack.

I then tried running this map in the stargate_mod_beta_0.1.rar version of the mod and my game crashed. I then tried taking the FX.txt file from the rez file of stargate_mod_beta_0.1.rar and placed it in the rez file of sgc_beta.rar and the map loaded fine with enemies attacking. It's confusing as to why this is all broken, but it got the map working.

Anyways, on to the map itself. This is obviously a Stargate themed map for a Stargate mod. All the map textures are Stargate themed, as are the redesigned weapons and enemies. Some of the enemies have the great helmets as well. The map isn't that complex and is rather unfinished with no proper ending and a thank you/credits wall. It looks good thematically regardless.

The goal is for the player to reach the end of the map at the ladder, but there are several enemy guards preventing the player from doing so. The player can easily die from most of the enemy weaponry, especially the staff which is a one hit kill. Once the player acquires the staff, the playing field is leveled against the enemies. The real downside to enjoying this map is that for whatever reason, all the new weapons appear invisible in first person view for the player. The animations appear with the hands, but not the weapons themselves. The melee punches are fun to do, but lack an impact sound as well.

Despite the bugs, this mod and map showed a lot of promise. It's unfortunate there wasn't more development with this mod. Check out both versions of the mod if you can.

Download link for stargate_mod_beta_0.1.rar:



#avp2 #aliensvspredator2 #avp2game

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