Happy Care Global

3 years ago


Hello Family,

Most of you are aware of the mission the Lord is preparing me here for on the mountain. That I will be soon by his grace running His mothers community for him in Ghana, West Africa called “The City of God: Sacred Heart Refuge. I was suppose to be leaving this past summer however, he asked me to stay another year at first I saw it such a painful sacrifice. Now, I look back and I am so grateful in his wisdom to have me stay another year because I definitely need more preparing and more of him. This community on the mountain is good training ground for anyone who wants to really learn how to die to self and grow in charity.

We have collected quite a bit of donations from you all and I am so grateful to all the donors who continue to give. You all have been so gracious to understand Gods timing in all of this. However, some of you may want to continue to give now and really have a heart for children. Looking for an organization that you can pour into and trust. Therefore, I want to share with you guys a wonderful organization called Happy Care Global based in Ghana.

We will be partnering with them once we are in Ghana to provide for the children, the poor and the needy around us. We have committed to giving them monthly donation of $100 a month.Out of the donations for City of God in order to support them whiles we are still here on the mountain waiting for the Lord to send us out.

I thought this would be a great organization for you all to pray for and if you felt lead to give too, supporting them in the work of the Lord. This is a fairly young organization and was started last year 2019 from a vision that was given to a young lady by the name Maree Antoinette Ferguson, a Ghanian who is a native of Australia, but moved back a few years ago with her husband and son. She was at church and during prayer she saw a vision of bread falling from heaven unto her lap and she heard Jesus say “ Feed my people” “Feed my people”. She pondered on what that could mean. She kept thinking Lord, you mean literally feed them or you mean spiritually? Either way she could not get it out of her mind as the Holy Spirit kept saying it over and over again to her.

She eventually started a fb page called “Share your testimony” as a platform where many can be fed by the testimony of others. Testifying of Gods faithfulness, goodness and his immense mercy over his children. The page has grown and now 618 likes with people all over the world sharing their testimony. Then the Lord began to prompt her to feed his people physically so within months she began Happy Care Global with her cousin Shelia who is in the US, as she was getting prompted by the Lord as well to do more for those around her in need. This was a partnership made by the Lord!

Happy Care Global, is a Christian charity and their vision is too “ provide care to the poor and needy by demonstrating the act of loving your neighbor as you love yourself.” Through donations and contributions they impact lives through welfare programs.

This June, the Lord led them to a mother with three children leaving in shanty without any furniture or running water. They helped raise $950 out of $1500 to get her an apartment of her own. You will get to meet and hear Ms. Mercy story in this video.

I pray family that God will touch your hearts to give, nothing is too small. Every life matters. To impact the lives of those in Ghana through Happy Care Global
If you would like to become a volunteer, a partner or monthly donor or even sending donation items. I will have the contact information below and the link to their Facebook page as well

If you would like to give via mobile money, kindly send your funds to MTN MOMO: 0592156575.
Would you like to know more about Happy Care Global and our care plan programs? or maybe you would like to become a volunteer or a partner? Would you like to become a monthly donor? or help by donating items? Email:info@happycaregobla.com
contact us via phone: GHANA: +233200196247
USA: (410)881-2531.
You can donate directly to: PayPal.me/happycareglobalfunds

https://www.facebook.com/donate/3275897365795611/ to Mercy and her family


We are a full-time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you a hundred-fold, both now and in the age to come. You can't out-give the Lord! May He enfold you in His Loving Arms.

Email: Maryelisha@fromjesuswithloveministry.org
Follow us to get updates!
Fb: Heartdwellers Ghana
Fb: Preparing God’s End Times Army
Instagram: Heartdwellers Ghana

HeartdwellersGhana.org website launch coming soon!!

If you would like to donate towards the mission City Of God: Sacred Heart Refuge in Ghana or to this ministry 🙏🌹💓💐
Follow this link to pay pal

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