Come To Mama

3 years ago


Hello Family,

After posting the message from Jesus about Entrusting your heart to his mother, Mary I got a flood of comments and criticism about her. Which always saddenes me because they have no idea they are not only grieving the Lord but they are rejecting and speaking against their own Mother. However, I was once there before and Jesus has been so gracious and merciful towards me to lead me to his mother.

It never fails when I find myself feeling discouraged, confused, full of anxiety, fearful, uncertain or even unclear of Gods will she always lift me up in the light of his countenance. After praying the rosary I began to pour out my heart to her in gratitude for who she is to me and what she has done for me.

My sweet sweet Mother, how much I love thee. You’re so gentle and faithful to always pick me up out of the pit I find myself in whenever I run to you for help. Thank you so much how I desire for others to come and love you as well. Only if they knew you blessed Mother, You truly are our Mama!

Blessed Mother responded,
“Don’t be saddened by those who continue to contest or reject my love they did the same thing with Jesus.I don’t love them any less, I see them as children because they are and don’t know any better. It takes a grace for them to come to me and know me. I was patience with you wasn’t I”

Yes, you were Mama. You were very patient, thank you for not giving up on me

Blessed Mother responded,
Of course my beloved daughter, I knew you before you were in your mothers womb and I chose you even then to be mine. So close and dear to my immaculate heart and to show others the way through this door of love that leads to Jesus. So don’t give up on others as well ,okay my dear one.

Yes, Mama…How is it you knew me before?

Blessed Mother continued,
“Well in heaven my daughter all is known, souls who have not been redeemed yet are formed in the Fathers heart where I was created from too. Before you are sent here to earth you are known and loved by God and all of heaven. We know what mission you have and some of the many battles that are set before you. So just as angles are assigned to you, you have saints that are assigned to each soul and I asked for you. You are a gift to me from Jesus as I lead you, council you and help you in your sanctification to be a gift to Jesus from me. A beautiful soul who has bloomed into a beautiful bride made ready for my Son for the greatest wedding banquet that will ever be. I do this for all my children who entrust their hearts to me.

My precious precious ones, I have heard your comments, seen the murmurs of your heart and seen your hesitation in approaching me. I am the Mother of God, but your mother as well and not at all dead ( as she said that smiling).

We are a full-time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you a hundred-fold, both now and in the age to come. You can't out-give the Lord! May He enfold you in His Loving Arms.

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