Dont Let Sin Against You Produce Sin in You

3 years ago


Hello Family,

After the previous message you would’ve thought here in the community we passed a hurdle and now we had unity and brother love. However, that wasn’t the case just yet. In the warning given to me by the Holy Spirit in Rick Joyner book he mentioned that initial attack was just a first wave to cause a breech in the body of Christ to set up for the main attack which was a spirit of Division. I woke up about 2 night later praying the rosary and I heard Blessed Mother say “ that was just the first wave”. I thought to myself more attacks are coming so I stayed up praying fervently for us here in the community. After speaking to the ladies we were at peace with each other however, I could still feel tension with other souls in the community. I couldn’t shake off this still this strong sense of scorn and contempt and also Jealousy. I sought the Lord and he confirmed as he gave me a rhema “Through scorn and contempt I am detaching you from the opinions of men and growing you in brotherly love”. I thought okay Lord so that is going on and I can feel it towards me.

I felt it had hit home between me and my roommate. I had tried a couple of times to confess to her how I was struggling with impatience, small irritations and selfishness in hopes that would clear the air and she would tell me how she was feeling. However, that didn’t happen as I could still feel the tension between us. Rather than being patient with her and understanding I found myself more frustrated and irritated at the lack of her transparency. Then another situation in the community that happened and I was questioning the integrity of another soul after getting some concerning readings about the situation that happened. Did I tell you guys how much of a hot mess I was?

I knew ahead of time of these assignments of the enemy and look how I played right into his hand with my attitude towards my brethren. I found myself brooding over these attitude of scorn and contempt still against me and began to show scorn and contempt for those who were treating me that way. Rather than walking in brotherly love. I began to walk in self-pity, rejection and even anger. As I was walking up the mountain to pray I heard Holy Spirit say “ You need each other” concerning me and my roommate.

So when I went to the Lord in prayer I thought for sure he would be there to nurse my wounds and console me as he always does because I was a victim right. No, Jesus put a scaple to my heart and shined a light to my own sins instead. As he gave me a reading from the book “Devout Life” by Frances de Sales it read

“A spirit of mockery is one of the worst imperfections of the mind, and displeases God greatly, so that He has often punished it most severely. Nothing is more hurtful to charity, and still more to devotion than contempt and derision of our neighbor, and reason it has been said atet mockery is the greatest insult a man can offer his neighbor, inasmuch as in other offenses he does not altogether cease to respect the person whom he offends, but in this he despises and contempts him.”

I was like “ouch” and in my pride I thought wait that can’t be about me Lord maybe your addressing what others are doing to me. I went to my Bible Promises and discerned no, the Lord was speaking to me that I had a spirit of mockery as well. That I had allowed the attack of others to cause me to do the same thing to them. I was dumbfounded and humbled.

Then I heard” Don’t let sin against you produce sin in you”

That is a term I heard a Pastor by the name of Dan Mohler say once and here Holy Spirit was repeating it to me.

I came before the Lord so humbled saying, Lord wow, you have laid some of my sins bare before me. I am a bit shocked which shows my pride and my self love and selfishness. It’s so sobering Lord as you continue to humble me this way and remove this veil of imperfection to myself and even to others its more humbling Lord. I didn’t know I came in agreement with that spirit. I renounce now this spirit of mockery and scorn and contempt in Jesus name!

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