Jump The Weight Off! Workout Video/DVD Reel - A 7 rounds jump rope fitness challenge!

3 years ago

Reel of my first workout video production of JUMP THE WEIGHT OFF!
An updated version is coming soon to Amazon Prime Video Direct!

JTWO is an advanced, high energy, and fun jump rope fitness routine to help you jump and sweat the weight off while learning the ropes with Yenny Polanco.

The routine consists of 7 rounds, a How To, The Warm Up, the Cool Down, and a bonus About Yenny section.

Your challenge is to learn each round one by one and to be able to finish them nonstop. once you can do one round nonstop, move on to the next, then try to do both rounds nonstop, once you can do that move on to the next, and try to them al nonstop, and keep going until you can do all 7 rounds nonstop!

You will be challenged physically and mentally, and you will have fun and lose weight, get fitter than ever, get toned all over your entire body!

In just 6 weeks you will have lost either a lot of weight, increased your cardio endurance, increase lean muscle, improve overall health and you will be looking and feeling your absolute best!

Are you ready to give it all you got with me? #AFS

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