Jews Dump the Antisemitic Left and Embrace AfD, Germany’s only Conservative Party

4 years ago

RAIR Full Report:

In an RAIR Foundation USA exclusively-translated interview, Moritz Schwarz from the German newspaper, Junge Freiheit (Young Freedom), interviewed board members Dr. Ing, Dr. Vera Kosova and Artur Abramovych of the Alternative für Deutschland’s (AfD) new “Jewish” branch within its party: Federal Association of Jews (JAfD). The interview, titled: “What drives Jews into the AfD?” took place at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

Dr Kosova explained that Germany’s “uncontrolled mass immigration, predominantly from the Muslim cultural sphere” since 2015 has put Jews under threat.” Kosova bluntly stated that the AfD is “the only party standing up to ‘imported anti-Semitism'” as unchecked migration from Muslim-majority countries has flooded the country, puting Jews at risk.

Mrs. Kosova and Mr. Abramovych themselves are refugees to Germany. Kosova came to Germany from Uzbekistan in 1998 at the age of 16. Mr. Abramovych, came from Ukraine in 1998, at the age of two.

In this RAIR Foundation USA exclusively-translated video, viewers will hear about the stunning hypocrisy from the Merkel Government and their corrupt allies in the media, as they blatantly blamed AfD for a terror attack after refusing to provide protection to the Jewish population after a Syrian migrant Jihad attack in a Berlin Synagogue. That incident prompted the Jewish community in Germany to ask for special protection for the high holy holiday of Yom Kippur on October 9, 2019, which was denied. Indeed, on Yom Kippur, the Halle Synagogue attack took the lives of two innocent people. (continue reading:

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