The Actual Act of 1871 Being Referenced March 2, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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The Actual Act of 1871 Being Referenced March 2, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Most people that you hear talking about "the" Act of 1871 are talking about the Municipal Corporation Act creating a Municipal Corporation for the District of Columbia.

We have pointed out that the real mischief related to that Act was the Corporations Act of 1870, which claimed the right to create corporations while acting in our names--- which is, to quote a Brit friend of mine, "Really rather like my Gardener assuming my identity and fathering a lot of children in my name, with someone other than my wife."

The end results in both cases are illegitimate. Literally.

But this merely rear-ends the actual singularly traitorous "Act of 1871" which, again, deals with the subject of corporations---- and let's headline this with bold letters so that everyone gets off the Old Saw about the Municipal Corporation Act of 1871 and instead has a full nose of the treason committed by the Rump 41st Congress as of the Second of February of 1871, Chapters 62-65, in which the Congress declared itself to be the "successor" of all United States corporations and the property of all said corporations.

These treasonous individuals claimed to own all United States corporations as successors --- quite possibly the greatest theft and Breach of Trust in world history, carried out by the members of the Territorial Congress while wearing their "second hat" as a foreign Municipal oligarchy.

Let's get this straight -- the members of any "Congress" convened in its Territorial or Municipal capacity never had any authority to make such a claim, not in 1871, not in 1971, and not today. There is absolutely no shred of valid interest involved here, no contract, no equitable consideration, no vested authority, and certainly no consent.

It's a criminal offense and an act of treason and fraud that has waited in the wings for over a hundred years to be discovered and objected to. Our corporations, like our ability to create corporations and our ability to issue patents, does not devolve to "the" Municipal United States, a foreign entity operating in our names simply because they made such an outrageous claim while acting in breach of trust and under conditions of fraud and semantic deceit.

All corporations created under our names and issued charters "in our names" are ours by definition, and we do claim them back from the Municipal Government of Washington, District of Columbia, and from the various Territorial State of State and Municipal STATE OF STATE Governments that have continued the abuses endemic to the Corporations Act of 1870 and the "Ownership Acts" of 1871.

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