COVIDiocracy -- or -- The Tragedy of the "Commons"

3 years ago

With common sense and common language, we uncover common misconceptions of the (un)common-cold (commonly called Covid), we have in common.

Discussed: Cases down 77%. The lowest since October, 15% of the population vaccinated and other background herd immunity.
Best use case for Covid, active octogenarians who are free once again to socialize.
The worst thing since World War II?: Doubtful must consider the future age-possibilities, without seeming to utilitarian
The upcoming decline in economic possibility, diminished growth as a result of overspending, stimulus, cutting back the economy – stopping dating, sttopping marriage, declining birthrate.
Any reason to wear a mask after being vaccinated? Hint: no.
Was there a Tampa Bay super spreading event? After the Super Bowl? No. (Ditto, Sturgis)
If you had one year to live, would you spend it isolated from your family, even at risk of Covid?
Have we given people who might be making those type of choices the information correctly?
One mask, two masks, three masks! Unless you have a snorkel, you're going to be getting air from the surrounding "soup" of aerosol and microbes. If you can smell say "rotten fish" from across the room, what makes you think that a mask could stop a few micron sized virus?

We take a look around the world, Sweden versus Israel, lockdowns versus not.

Is herd immunity (despite Sweden success) getting a bad name?

Some recent deaths, young men in the neighborhood. Diseases of despair on the rise, suicides have doubled
Covid is a different issue for the very young versus very old. 1000 or 10,000 times difference in case totality rate
There should be an algorithm for figuring out your rationale for taking vaccine. Very different set of circumstances at age 25 versus 75 for instance. If the vaccine (like any vaccine) has some small chance of long-term illness or even death, the that should be weighed against the nearly 0 likelihood of Covid fatality at these younger age groups, the reverse obtains at older ages.
Taking one's mask off should be the appropriate reward and incentive for vaccination.
Do politicians revel in the power in controlling our lives, micromanaging? Have we let them?

Ultimately it's your responsibility to "do you". Learn up, make the best decisions.

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