US BILL 6666 TRACKS EVERYONE! Churches to Send PERSONAL info of Attendees to Gov't By Controversy 7

3 years ago

Thanks to The Controversy 7 for this wakeup video.
The churches are state churches to have their doors open as churches.
Come out of her, my people, before you will be DECEIVED and TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST. Why do I say this? These religious organizations are UNDER the beast system and telling their people to believe EVERYTHING that the state (gov'ts) are telling them. Please WAKE UP before it is too late. Do not take any vaccine because they are putting poisons in it to NOT help you, but harm you, and merge you with a 3rd DNA strand taking you out of being with God in Heaven. To God, this mark of the vaccine is an abomination to Him, the one who created you with the DNA HE intended for you and your life on earth.

This bill has 6 6 6 within it and 6 6 6 6 is the number for righteousness in Hebrew, mocking the God of Israel through that number being a label for tracking people, as they would cattle. We are the LORD's not of Satan and Satan cannot claim the children of the Most-High God, our Creator. Stand up AGAINST this. The first step is to GET OUT of these churches who are FEEDING YOU right into the beast system right under your nose. The question is... do you smell what they are going? Do you have spiritual discernment to know it is an evil change not a holy one?

God Bless You and Shalom,

Susan Joy Dahl

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