3 years ago

Religion is the frozen thought of man, out of which they build temples.
: Jiddu Krishnamaurti
You all are spiritualised pulsating energy residing in a house of which is you.
If you are pulsating energy then you have come from a pulsating energy vortex, this vortexual energy is receiving pulsating energy from you and you add more to this pulsating vortex of energy by way of the thoughts that are compounding into an emotion, you are the fuel that feeds this energy stream.
When you are dead your energy stream reverts back to this pulsating vortex and then in time or immediately takes form into another human form. Pretty cool that we die and then proceed to live again and then take another run at living life again, over, and over, and over again.
This energy resides nowhere but everywhere, it is not to try to understand where it goes and comes from it just is, and you are part of this stream.

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