2021 JAN 10 1807 Act Signed; Blackouts Italy Berlin Pakistan, $200m on Gitmo not for 45 prisoners

3 years ago

WARNING: This Is Not Verified Information Its Chatter!!! 4cminewswire has no opinion to express its up to the viewer to verify discard. Sharing the content is to field feedback it puts a light of the contents veracity suppression just fuels this misinformation.

Intel Chatter: The Watchers and keepers of the Constitution learnt before Jan 6; the Democrats had orchestrated a plan to Have Antifa Breach Capitol Building as part of the Trump Protest; they took the opportunity to get Special Forces in place to seize Nancy Pelosi’s laptop and others chatter indicates 21 in total, this harvested serious information some of which required immediate actions.

The Insurrection Act 1807 has been signed Airspace in DC was locked down to relocate President Trump to a secure location or locations out of DC

FULL STORY HERE: https://www.4cmitv.com/2021/01/11/2021-jan-10-1807-act-signed-blackouts-italy-berlin-pakistan-200m-on-gitmo-not-for-45-prisoners/

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