Taking Cities and Nations for Christ by Dutch Sheets ASL summarized by Lance

3 years ago

Rough Transcript - summarized by Lance
(in hopes to prepare you for this week)
“The Lord said to Joshua, ‘See, I have given Jericho into your hand, with its king and the valiant warriors.’. . . Joshua said to the people, ‘Shout! For the Lord has given you the city,’” (Joshua 6: 2,16).Jericho. What a great story! Also a source of tremendous encouragement! It seemed so easy: march around the walls, shout, gather the spoils.  But what about your town or our nation? - what a different story. March, shout, no spoils . . . march, shout, no spoils . . . march, shout, no spoils. Frustration, Disillusionment. Unbelief. Despair. May I remind you that in both of the above verses God said He had given Jericho to Israel before there was any change whatsoever. Has He done that with you? Has He given you your city, and yet it still looks the same?  I have good news for you. When God states He has done something, it is a done deal - He has given.  It is well worth considering that events in Scripture did not always happen as quickly as it appears they did. Though the book of Joshua can be read in a couple of hours, the conquest of Canaan under Joshua’s leadership took about seven years. The entire book covers a period of approximately 25 years. And at the end of the book, all the tribes of Israel still had not fully conquered all of their territories (see Judges 1:27-36). Later in Israel’s history, after a glorious beginning, they experienced a sixteen-year delay in the rebuilding of the Temple (see Ezra 3-4). Through the ministry of the prophet Haggai, courage and faith to continue did come. Delays, setbacks, and long-term planning are not uncommon in the Kingdom of God. Though God has facilitated an acceleration in the pace of world evangelization, we need to remember endurance and patience are still very key factors. You may be closer than you think! Hang in there! We play until we win. God has given us our cities and nations, even though it may not yet look like it.  Is this comparison with Joshua and Israel valid for us today? Can we really take our cities and nations, or is that a “dream” but unattainable goal? Consider this report of a city-taking shared by George Otis, Jr., in his book Informed Intercession.  In the 1970s Almolonga, Guatemala, was idolatrous and economically depressed. Alcoholism was rampant, poverty and violence was the normal thing. Families suffered terribly due to the poverty that ruled. The Gospel did not prosper; persecution of Christian leaders was common.  In 1974, a series of five-hour prayer vigils began, and shortly thereafter, God began to move. Salvation and healings began to break forth. Conversions began to take place at such a rate that 90 percent of the 19,000 people in Almolonga became evangelical Christians. The revival impacted every area of life: families, businesses, even the crops of the land. The fields produced three harvests per year, with five-pound beets, carrots bigger than a man’s arm, and cabbages the size of basketballs.  Crime disappeared so much that, in 1994, the last of the four jails closed. The fruits of the revival in Almolonga continued for years.  “Great!” you may be saying. “But what do those places have to do with my city?” Everything!  There is hope for your city and mine, and there is hope for America. We are not at the mercy of sin, sinners, politicians, or spiritual darkness. Refuse to place control of your destiny in any of these! Choose to believe God is wiser and more powerful than them. If He wants to bring revival to America - and He does - then we can have revival, if we do our part. No one said it would be easy. It is the opposite of easy, words such as persecution, tribulation, fight, warfare, wrestle, endurance, and other words like these are all applied to us in Scripture. But also powerful words such as victory, faith, conqueror, power, authority, harvest, and miracle.  If we are willing to obey God fully, walk in faith, and never give up, we can have anything God wants us to have, according to His will. And that includes revival. 
Pray with me:  Father, we have entered the (time)era of taking cities and nations for You. Revival will happen that is never-before-seen scale. Your love for people, even those who are Your enemies is beyond our ability to comprehend. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Open our eyes to see that this love has not weakened, that You are just as passionate to save the lost as You were the day Jesus was crucified.  Awaken passion and faith in Your people to believe for this revival. We know You can bring it - Your arm is not too short that You cannot save. You have prepared the soil, sown the seeds and the earth is ripe. Now, O Lord, with Your presence, with the combined works of the Holy Spirit, and the church. Hell has never seen anything like the triumphant campaign about to be unleashed on the earth. We ask You to bring a fresh baptism of fire to us. Infuse(fill) us with holy zeal. May we be consumed with Your heart to save. In fact, we boldly ask You for a movement generating the most radical evangelists the world has ever seen!  We call forth this world-changing revival in the all-powerful name of Jesus Christ. Amen. (then a few comments by Lance before closing)

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