Get users to sign off on your ERP implementation - have they really tested it?

3 years ago

As the holidays approach, the ERP world is looking at year-end go-lives. But don't do it if your users haven't tested your ERP implementation — it's not worth it, as Shawn Windle explains in this video.

Here we go! It looks like it's another holiday season here at the airport, which only means one thing, and that's go-lives. So just a couple things to keep in mind when you're looking at software and go lives: the most important thing is, don't do it unless your users have really tested. That's absolutely the most important thing. It's sort of like getting on an airplane and expecting it to fly when maybe the pilot hasn't actually taken it up in the air. Don't do it. It's not worth it and then the other thing to keep in mind for sure is data, data, data. It's sort of like the people that get on the airplane — without the people, the airplane is no good. So check your data, make sure everything's good, and again, get user sign off. Get the people that are really responsible for it to sign off on it, and you'll be good. And good luck, hope you have a good holiday season.


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