Masks during mass?

3 years ago

Disclaimer: These thoughts/claims I am making is ONLY within the context of wearing a mask in a Catholic Church and/or in Catholic mass (even outdoor mass). These thoughts of mine should not be taken out of context, since the sole focus here is the problems wearing a mask to the Catholic celebration of the mass can bring, addressing specifically the problem of the mandate of "mandatory mask wearing during (Catholic) mass."

A credible source:
Unmasking the Facts - The Now Word

This private revelation to a seer is an answer to my prayers and thoughts I've had about this topic! 🙏🏽

Wearing Masks during Holy Mass

During Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said to me, “When people come to Mass wearing masks that upsets me so much. They have such little faith in Me! How can they get sick when they enter into the Holy Temple of God!”

“Tell them they will spend a lot of time in Purgatory for wearing masks upon entering My church and during Holy Mass. They do not trust Me! How can they get sick here, in front of, and in the full presence of Me? I would not permit them to get sick,” our Lord said in a very stern voice.

Jesus to Valentina Papagna

Credible resources on this topic:

From a canon lawyer- a great answer to whether bishops can mandate wearing masks during mass or not
Wearing masks during mass... why I'm not a fan
-About all these mask mandates...
-It seems to me that there's a lack of faith and trust in Christ going on here!
-Getting sick in front of the presence of Jesus on the tabernacle/in the Eucharist?
-That's what wearing masks during mass certainly implies!
-Wearing masks during mass can send the wrong message to the faithful; that they need to fear a virus during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!
-Obviously wearing masks during mass is not going to improve our spiritual well-being...
-Can decrease belief in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist especially during Communion time, as with Communion in the hand. With 70 percent of Catholics not believing in the Real Presence- this could increase with mandatory mask wearing being a factor. (see PewResearch for this)
-Could cause the laity to see the mass as another "social gathering"
-Causes a decrease of trust in Christ, and more trust in a mask when it comes to avoiding catching the virus.
-There comes a train of other restrictions after the mask mandate...
-Bishops/priests are meant to be doctors for our souls NOT for our bodies
-On the contrary, wearing a mask can be worse for you!
-If mandatory mask wearing during mass isn't for our spiritual or physical well-being, then what is it good for?
-It's a great fear factor!
-We will not get sick in front of the presence of Christ, or in Church, (even without wearing a mask) if we just have faith!
-Now, to address some possible arguments...
-Obj #1-Wearing masks during mass protects others from COVID, so therefore it is an "act of charity."
-My answer: Where's the evidence for this?? I've seen none so far?
-Obj #2-Wearing masks during mass is meant to protect the priest.
-Again, with obj. #1, where is the evidence for this? Implying that not wearing a mask during mass in the presence of Jesus will make you sick or others sick seems like a LACK OF FAITH to me.
Obj #3- "You could bring the virus home
without a mask"
-my answer: Proof?..
-The worst part?...
-This will make it much easier for those who commit the grave sin of black mass to steal consecrated hosts, especially during Communion time with a mask on!
-NOBODY can deny a well-disposed Catholic from receiving the sacraments, even if they don't wear a mask during mass.
-Don't get bullied into wearing a mask during mass if it goes against your conscience... remember, God will judge us at the end of our lives, not the parishioners, nor the priests/bishops or anyone else. Stay strong.
-Care about what God thinks of you, doing His Will, not about what others think of you.
-Do you think wearing masks during mass, and the mandate of mask wearing during mass, is pleasing to God?
-I think not.
- Have faith. Be not afraid. Trust in Jesus.
-Please share this video! Check out the description below for more info on this topic!
-God Bless!

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