From Plato To NATO: The Idea of the West and Its Opponents (David Gress)

3 years ago

hugely erudite work of historiography, in my thoughts about which I also explain my admiration for Hernán Cortes, man of glory and contradiction, and what is necessary for a restoration of Western achievement. (The written version of this review was first published August 7, 2018. Written versions are available here:

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"This is a ferociously erudite book. The author, David Gress, offers an analysis and synthesis of essentially all thought on the idea of the West, from the Greeks to the postmodernists, in a book that seems to contain more than its actual six hundred pages of small print. The amount of thought he presents is astounding. My habit is to write down interesting-sounding books to which an author refers, then buy them. I probably bought thirty books, maybe more, as a result of reading From Plato to NATO. Every portion of this book was interesting—but still, paradoxically, it left me unable to write the type of review I typically write." . . .

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