Frustrated Start turns into a Feeling of Gratitude

3 years ago

My day started amazing, everything I needed to have a great day. Then I tried to switch the seats around in the car and take the five-point harness off the car seat for my youngest. That caused thirty minutes of grunts, frustration, pulling, scrapes, and a little blood. All I wanted to do was go to Target and buy my kids new face masks, it was a very strong desire. But I stayed strong, not an easy task when there is a real reason to go to Target.

Instead of going shopping I decided to have a treat. So I ignored my whole grain toast with peanut butter and ate the last cup of homemade ice cream swirled with all natural peanut butter.

Even with a delicious treat of sugar coursing through my system I wasn't fully out of my funk. I did what I knew would get my mind where it needed to be, I listed all the things I was grateful for. I put my mind in a space of gratitude and went forward with what I knew would bring me joy.

Making these videos, something I never envisioned doing, brings me joy. The possibility of reaching others, brings me joy. The hope that I am helping someone, makes my heart sing. I know my purpose now, and all I have to do to get past the frustrating moments is take steps to fulfilling that purpose.

I hope everyone is able to find the gratitude in their lives, and take a few minutes every day to say thank you.

If anyone needs help shifting their thinking. If anyone wants to eliminate your limiting beliefs. I am here to help. I am offering a free coaching session to anyone who wants to take a chance. Please email me at

#gratitude #StayAtHomeMom #CarseatFrustration #PeanutButterSwirlIceCream #LifeCoach #FreeFirstSession #TakeAChance #EmilinateLimitingBeliefs

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