God's Plagues Declared as SUNDAY LAW Draws Near + END of Protestantism By The Controversy 7

3 years ago

My thanks to The Controversy 7 YT channel for such a well done video about this truth.

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Rev 13:15 - 18 is found within it, described in detail about what is happening today to cause it to prophetically happen, and to beware of the serpent in the midst causing people to believe a terrible lie which will send them to the pit, as their destination.

The second beast (USA) makes all to worship the image of the (first) beast (Mystery Babylon Rome Vatican...) to receive a mark in the right hand or foreheads... to buy and sell (666) number of the beast, the number of a man.

We are in the time in which everything has been setup to cause the inhabitants of earth to be forced to take the mark of the beast 666. Do not take that mark, else you perish by being sent to the lake of fire, as your destination, instead of heaven to be with the Lord Jesus.

Pray that you will not be deceived because many will accept this movement thinking it is ok and even good to follow these commands from these two beasts.

Thank you brother! You are exactly right. The time to go home with the Lord is ever near at hand. Repent, follow ALL the ten commandments (especially the 4th command to remember the Sabbath 7th Day and keep it holy), do NOT leave out ANY of the commands of God, and come out of her (mother RCC Vatican) and her daughters (churches who teach and do as she does). It is much better to worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth yourself or in a small group APART from EVERY doctrine of the fallen apostate churches. COME OUT OF HER!

Do not be deceived by the main world leaders causing all to be under this fallen church that does not follow the Word of God. Pagan Rome became papal Rome, so the kingdom of Rome remains until the end. The ones who went against Rome, protesting her lies that do not agree with what is written in the Bible, went back to Rome with the main "sign" as a "mark" of this as venerating Sunday as the main day of worship which was a terrible mistake.

Vatican = Vat (container) I (of) Can (Cain) = Divining Serpent... Go to videos of The Jonathan Kleck YT channel to find out a lot about this topic and how the church leads people the wrong way. I have some of them at my Rumble channel for your viewing.

We must look to Jesus only and obey and follow His Word ONLY. 1517 to 2017 = 500 years in which people were in "protest" against Rome (the pope and Mystery Babylon) initially LEFT her and PROTESTED her teachings as UN-Biblical, Anti-Word, Against the Word, and Against Christ. These same daughters, known as "denominations" became her harlot daughters (teaching their mother's - RCC - false doctrines) such as the charismatics and evangelicals.

By 2017, they (her daughters and her kings) all went under the pope AGAIN. The kings of the earth -lovers of her as a harlot- and her daughters - almost ALL denominations especially most Sunday keeping churches- also harlots who are vs the Lord and His Word - went UNDER the mother of harlots (Rev 17, Rev 18) AGAIN.

October 31, 1517 to October 31, 2017 = 500 Years since the Protestant Reformation (meaning the PROTEST vs false Catholic untruthful against the Word of God doctrines teachings) ended and ALL the major churches denominations, as Christians in name, and the religions that are NOT Christian (all pagan religions), MERGED together AS ONE under the pope AGAIN. To them (RCC Vatican), Sunday, as the "Lord's day" to rest and keep holy (a blatant change of the 4th commandment as Catholic 10 commands) is a "mark" that you are a "Catholic" under "mother church" AND a "mark" against the LORD God Almighty.

This is something that God does not want His true believers to do. We are to be united under HIS WORD and to WORSHIP HIM in Spirit and in Truth, not ever under one man (as pope) who lives in the world. The title pope means "papa" which is an endearing word for father, like saying daddy or dada. God Almighty is our FATHER. Jesus said to call NO man father but your ABBA Father (God) who is your Creator.

It has already happened and the kings of earth and the fallen daughter churches are ALL joined again under the pope as their spiritual leader and the head of the ecumenical movement of churches. To proclaim that all (Christian) believers are "Catholic" meaning "universal" and NOT "protestant" anymore is an indication that persecution and many trials against all true believers of the Lord are coming to those who follow the Word of God and obey His commands. God does not have one man above all the inhabitants of earth except JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF whose name shall be called THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, THE WORD OF GOD, THE LORD OF LORDS AND THE KING OF KINGS, and HOLY BE HIS NAME!

The Bible is clear that Jesus, the Apostles, and the women who followed Jesus ALL revered and kept Sabbath (7th day as Friday evening to Sat evening), did preparations for Sabbath, and kept all the feast days of the Lord that involved Sabbath keeping. These are the 144,000 remnant who are "not defiled by women" meaning NOT of the harlot church (as as a fallen defiled woman female). They will be redeemed as first fruits from the earth as His "male child" found in Rev 12:5 with the names of the 12 gates of the New Jerusalem as the 12 sons (tribes) of Israel who were sealed in Rev 7.

Be ye separate and live your lives in obedience to His Word and His way ONLY else you be found wanting with the Lord and shall partake of her plagues in God's recompense vs her for having the blood of all the saints on her hands.

The "mark" which is a sign ensign omen warning that is SET upon Israel and Judah is SABBATH found in Exodus 31:13. That "sign" of the Sabbath is between "Me" (the LORD) and "you" (Israel, meaning His 12 tribes) that "you" (Israel) may KNOW that I, the LORD, am the one who "sanctifies" (make holy, consecrated, set apart, separate) "you" (Israel). To keep your sabbaths is written (engraved) as the 4th Commandment of God, by the FINGER OF GOD on the 10 commandments of STONE, as a perpetual covenant that will ALWAYS be His statute, His law, His command, and THE COMMAND we were TOLD to REMEMBER.

Look at the date of 9/1/1923 and what it means: 911923: 911 923: 911 9113: 911 9+1+1 3: 911 113: 911 23: Emergency Twin Towers Fell (911) "I AM" Aleph Tau Beginning End First Last (23...) 911 911 3: IXXI IXXI G3 Satan Abaddon Apollyon in Rev 9:11 leading the locust army against the Lord and His hosts! 911 911 3 can be written as 333 11 333 11 3: Notice this arrangement of those numbers... 33 3113 3 3113 which can be expressed as master craftsman (33) Exodus 31:13 Apollyon Abaddon G3 Exodus 31:13. This is indicating through the date how they are against the God of Israel.

Exodus 31:13 SIGN...

[Exo 31:13 KJV] 13 Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it [is] a sign [H 226 oth] between me and you throughout your generations; that [ye] may know that I [am] the LORD that doth sanctify you.

911 9113... 911 333113... 9113 3 3113... 9+1+1 3 3 3 113... 11 3 33 113... 113 33 113: Add 113 + 113 and carry over the 33: Oth Sign Ensign Omen Warning Flag (H226) Master Craftsman (33). This is a blasphemy against the Lord Almighty because they (false craftsmen 33) changed the SIGN H226: 113 113 which is also Lord Adon H113 Lord Adon H113 to their sign (mark) of revering the day of the "sun" above the (Sabbath 7th) Day of the SON (Yeshua Ha Mashiach - Lord Adon H113 - who is THE LORD JESUS CHRIST)! HE is the "Lord of the Sabbath" and the "Sabbath" is the 7th Day, NOT any day revering and honoring the "sun" which is Apollo Abaddon G3 worship against the Most-High God Almighty!

The date of 9/1/1923 spells out this exact message of opposing God and going against His command to KEEP SABBATH HOLY to everyone who dwells on the earth.
At the end, this will be a huge issue with the powers that rule over the people of the earth. People through companies and churches will be forced to take SUNDAY OFF and to REFRAIN from any and all work on Sunday OR ELSE there will be heavy weights of negative consequences against you for disobedience to their mandate upon ALL. You will NOT be allowed to work, NOT be working any job, and NOT doing any business on Sundays and this will be everyone across the entire earth. It is an antichrist spirit commanding this, not of the Lord God Almighty. With it will be Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 lingo and terms for the call to save the environment through climate control. The dominance over human beings worldwide is a disguised way in which they will take away all of your rights to have your own properties, lands, goods, and freedoms, but rather, put all people under a socialistic communistic rule with limited and restricted use of every commodity and goods we have long enjoyed freely.

9/1/1923 to 9/1/2013 is 90 years exactly, the age of Sarah (a symbol of the "free" woman from "above" New Jerusalem) who gave birth to Isaac (the promised male son) for Abraham, the father of many nations and the father of the faith of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel).

God Almighty (our Creator) started Sabbath as the 7th day of rest from his labors from creation, long before there was any people group called Israel and/or Judah (the Jews). God Himself instituted it, established it, kept it, and engraved it for people to KEEP SABBATH HOLY and to REST (and worship HIM) on that (7th) day. Over 45 countries have some form of the word "Sabbath" (NOT Saturday) in their calendars. Furthermore, every day of the calendar is described with respect to Sabbath, as the main focus of each week. So why does our Roman calendar substitute Sabbath with Saturday. it is because Saturday is "Saturn" day or worship of Saturn (saturnalia satan santa). Sunday is called the day of the "Sun" for worship of Apollo (G3) who is the angel of destruction, crowned as corona meaning a ring around the sun being blackened in the middle as a solar eclipse, and revering the angel of light who is Lucifer, the false light, bearing what they call illumination which is really the unveiling of the ways of the antichrist, meaning false anointing against the Lord and against His Word.

Repent and come back to the LORD and do NOT obey the doctrines of man in the stead or instead of the teachings of the LORD. Be apart from the doctrine because obeying it will put you in the beast system of worship which is against God Almighty.

Worshipping on Sunday as an optional day to worship is one thing. Revering it in obedience to the "mother" church is a completely different activity because it is WORSHIP within the BEAST system, not worship of the Lord and His Word. Give honor and reverence and worship to THE LORD on His Sabbath Day (the 7th day of rest as your usual main day of worship of the LORD) and call His sabbaths a delight. You will rejoice to learn how every feast shows Yeshua Jesus, the only Begotten Son of God, and His plan of redemption to save your soul and redeem you back to God His Father and to be within the kingdom of God, enjoying eternal life in your glorified bodies that will be as He is, seeing the Lord, face to face, as your beloved Redeemer, your Husband (Adonai).

9/1/1923 to 9/1/2013 is 90 years exactly, the age of Sarah (a symbol of the "free" woman from "above" New Jerusalem) who gave birth to Isaac (the promised male son) for Abraham, the father of many nations and the father of the faith of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel). By 2013, the sky started having many solar and lunar eclipses leading into the Rev 12 harpazo rapture sign of a woman clothed with the sun from 9/23/2015 through 9/23/2017. Again we see 923 and 923 for something GOD Almighty was doing to declare HIS GLORY in the HEAVENS. Is it any wonder the enemy chose 9/1/1923 for this declaration to denounce the SIGN of SABBATH in Exodus 31:13. The sign of Sabbath was to be kept perpetually and always and is still to be honored in our walk with the LORD in this day and age. YHVH never changed anything about Sabbath. The church DID so herself.

God Almighty (our Creator) started Sabbath as the 7th day of rest from his labors from creation, long before there were any people groups of worship called Israel and/or Judah (the Jews). God Himself instituted it, established it, kept it, and engraved it for people to KEEP SABBATH HOLY and to REST (and worship HIM) on that (7th) day.

Over 45 countries have some form of the word "Sabbath" (NOT Saturday) in their calendars. Furthermore, every day of the calendar is described with respect to Sabbath, as the main focus of each week to be a feast and a holiday (celebration) every week (as His sabbaths).

So why does our Roman calendar substitute Sabbath with Saturday. it is because Saturday is "Saturn" day or worship of Saturn (saturnalia satan... santa is the same meaning just rearranged letters). Sunday is called the day of the "Sun" for worship of Apollo (G3) worship of the sun. Apollo is the Greek angel of destruction, crowned as co rona meaning a ring around the sun (symbol of sun god Apollo worship btw) being blackened in the middle as a solar eclipse. Mandatory Sun-Day worship honors the angel of light who is Lucifer, the false light, bearing what they call illumination which is really the unveiling of the ways of the antichrist, meaning false anointing against the Lord, against His Word, and to unite all religions under the n w o one world religion that shall go against every true believer who lives in the world.

You do not want to be found believing wrong teachings, especially that of the Jezebel system, when the Lord Jesus returns for His own, His children, those who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. Consider reading every Scripture in the NT and the OT with the word Sabbath and Sabbaths within them. Prayerfully consider this truth, seek the Lord, ask for His Holy Spirit to teach you, forget any set aside what you think you might know about this subject, and have an open mind to what you are reading. When taken literally, there would be no other day but the 7th day as Friday evening unto Sabbath (Sat) evening, as Sabbath, these being the BIGGEST PARTY DAYS vs God, when most people clearly do their pleasures and many sinful things during these exact days. Is that coincidence or something that the enemy knows is the situation? The question is, do you?

If Jesus did not honor Sabbath, He would not have been our spotless Lamb and He would have been defiling Himself, being unclean. All those who love and obey the Lord Jesus know HE WAS PERFECT AND WITHOUT ANY BLEMISH. Keeping the 4th commandment of Sabbath was a huge aspect of His holiness unto the Lord, Yeshua being our Passover sacrifice, so we too have our death to be given our new life, by faith and obedience in Him and His ways, to be found with Him in glory.

God Bless You and Shalom,

Susan Joy Dahl

[Isa 58:10-14 KJV] 10 And [if] thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness [be] as the noonday: 11 And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. 12 And [they that shall be] of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. 13 If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, [from] doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking [thine own] words: 14 Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken [it].

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