'The Bachelor' Cancel Queen Proves You Can Never Be Woke Enough | Ep 377

3 years ago

Today we're discussing the controversy surrounding Taylor Nolan, Chris Harrison, and "The Bachelor," as well as Trump's return to the spotlight at CPAC. Taylor Nolan of "The Bachelor" has long been a champion of cancel culture and a self-proclaimed expert on all things woke. But that didn't save her from the rage mob when it was discovered that she had some offensive tweets of her own from years back. Incredibly, Taylor shifted the blame from herself to society at large. This is a classic example of the double-edged nature of cancel culture: Once they set their sights on you, no amount of wokeness can save you. As Christians, we know that God has the authority to really cancel us for all eternity, but we find our joy in his grace and forgiveness — two traits that cancel culture is sorely lacking. Moving on to CPAC, Trump took the stage to deride the Biden administration's stance on school openings and the fact that allowing transgender girls to compete in women's sports is harmful to biological girls. Many at CPAC said they would vote for Donald Trump if he ran again, but the man would be over 80 years old by then! Others say that Florida Gov. Ron Desantis could be a kind of Trump 2.0, since his state is faring quite well in the pandemic compared to blue states and he has taken other strong stances conservatives approve of.

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