Turkey Farming February 24, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Turkey Farming February 24, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

When I was a kid I was Queen of the Poultry Yard. I learned up front, close, and personal about pecking orders and Geese Police and, most of all, about turkeys.
Turkeys are so stupid that they will stand under a rain gutter and drown.
They can fly, but they won't do so to save themselves.
If they do fly, they will land on the roof of a shed and sit there until you go get a ladder and risk your life and skin to scrabble around grabbing them and bringing them safely back down to the ground.
I never got the impression that they were scared of heights. Quite the opposite. I found one sitting on the ridgepole of a five story barn one summer afternoon.
I saw that and said to myself, "Forget it. I am not going up there and fighting with a thirty pound turkey."
This I repeated that night, the next day, the next night.... and there he was, still sitting there the next day, just taking in the breeze.
"Do you think that turkey is dead," my Father asked mildly, "or just daydreaming?"
I rigged a blanket sling along one side of the barn, used a bow and arrow to carry a nylon tie rope over the barn roof to the far side of the barn, secured it, climbed up to the ridgepole, skinned across, pushed the turkey off in the general direction of the blanket sling.... he landed, none the worse for wear.
Wish I could say the same thing for myself. There is something about an experience like that, that makes you who you are. To this day, when I remember some of the things that I have gone through for turkeys, I cringe.
They have a nasty habit of pecking at things indiscriminately, without bothering to even look at what they are pecking. Hands, tin cans, water pails, other birds, pieces of lint, plastic cups, sunglasses, it really doesn't matter. Turkeys peck just to peck.
I have stuffed saw dust into old socks, attached them to the wire fence, and watched turkeys peck at these things for hours. Just to peck.
I guess it exercises their necks. Stretches their wattles. Makes them feel real good like a long-necked goose.
But no goose would do anything so stupid and monotonous. Ever.
I have seen adult turkeys sit down on their own chicks and smother them to death, completely oblivious of what they were doing.
I've seen them get their heads caught in a large gauge wire fence and be too dumb to simply back out. And if you try to pull them back out of their dilemma, they will fight and squawk and flap and spread their wings and feathers and stomp their feet and try to gouge you with their spurs.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/02/turkey-farming.html

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