Anti-MLM Community Proven RIGHT?!

3 years ago

My Multilevel Marketing experience produced many stories supporting both the pro-MLM & anti-MLM stance. This is a story about the worst upline of mine displaying some of the most stereotypical behavior often criticized by members of the anti-MLM community.

I do not claim to be part of the anti-MLM community or pro-MLM community as this video and previous videos (including "Defending Kimbyrleigha & Calling Out Anti-MLM Creators" & "Is Anti-MLM...Anti-WOMEN?!") suggest I have a range of opinions on the subject. I believe there is good and bad to both sides and choose to talk about this subject accordingly.

I do not support calling an entire group of people "huns", "hunbots", "scammers", etc. or the overuse of the phrase "horror story" by the anti-MLM community. I also believe there are many aspects of MLMs that need to change including recruitment & sales tactics, product claims, and the reality of the business opportunity.

This industry is also referred to as Network Marketing, Social Selling, Pyramid Scheme, and more.

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