About Australia and The Big Picture February 17, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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About Australia and The Big Picture February 17, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

This is a real-time discussion I am sharing with my Readers. I would very much like your input and Dick's input and would like to publish his "thumbnail" reply to you about the present hegemony in Australia---- with his permission, of course.

Apparently, they did a process in Australia that is very similar to what they did here, except that what they did there started from the basis of a Constitutional Monarchy--- which, as it has never been repealed, remains the basis for the land and soil jurisdiction of Australia, even though they are running Australia as a corporation structure in the international jurisdiction of the sea and are enslaving Australians in that foreign jurisdiction just as they were caught enslaving Americans in the same domain.

This, I think, goes to the heart of the Queen's behavior revealed in JAH v. Regina --- of taking the Coronation Oath, and then, three days later, assuming the Chair of the Estates instead of the Throne.

There is something very peculiar going on with the Throne and it may be that the Throne itself has been lost or compromised in some way so that it is not viable for the Queen to exercise its offices, but whatever it is --- debt, blackmail, fraud --- it is standing in the way of the British Government functioning properly, and that leads to the government of Australia being in a Mess also.

My understanding of the British system is still fledgling compared to my knowledge of the American system, so please include Dick in the conversation here and correct me if I am wrong--- but it is my understanding that in the British Land Law, all land and soil is held by the Queen in Trust, but she does that with multiple Trusts---- there are the various National Trusts which hold

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/02/about-australia-and-big-picture.html

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