Dangerous Cold (Achilles Heel for Green Power) as IMF Starts Citizen Credit Monitoring

3 years ago

A few realities to deal with at the same time now that the Grand Solar Minimum cooling is no longer hide-able. Solar panels by the millions covered in snow not seen in decades producing no power, wind turbines iced in requiring de-icing by helicopter. Blistering 50F below normal temperatures sending electric and natural gas prices to highest ever, which will draw more savings out of the public, quickening the financial collapse. IMF now wants to track individuals for creditworthiness.
The extremes you are seeing across the globe signal the amplification beginning of a new magnetic field forming in the outer solar system as our Sun decreases its output in this new Eddy Grand Solar Minimum. Did you notice the Level up in lock down with a 1750 Pound quarantine tax for entering the UK. This effectively shuts down global travel if implements across other nations. Another fingerprint f the Grand Solar Minimum fulfilled marching toward 2024.

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