Jack and Margy Flynn pt 2 of 2 - Plan to Restore America (Solutions)

3 years ago

Solutions: Part 2 of 2 (Merged 3 parts into one, but middle part is upside down) Quality of audio didn't change, so do handstand for 2nd half?

Jack and Margy Flynn tell all in very frank terms of the danger currently threatening the people's American Republic. Prove the strength of We the People, and the sanctity of the Constitution for The United States of America. It is the Supreme Law of the Land, and ALL laws that are repugnant to it are null and void. If we embrace this fully, enforce it strictly, and NEVER allow ANYONE, especially elected PUBLIC servants' insurrection to VIOLATE it, only then can The People take back the nation and repel tyranny.
In this first part we hear some cold, hard truths about the US government's history. In the next part, simple solutions to take back our rights permanently are shared.

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