3 years ago

This is the infamous 60 Minutes interview from 1998, where George Soros admits that, as a Jewish boy during the Nazi occupation, he started his entrepreneurial journey getting by making a living as a Nazi Bloodhound.

His job was to go out and act like a poor, helpless boy who is alone and lost his family to the Nazi occupiers.

After coercing a family to take him in out of the kindness of their heart, he would wait until they were all asleep at night and sneak out.

He would later return with his homies in the SS brigade to murder the family, turning in and betraying his own kind without conscience or regret, simply for a cut in the share of the murdered families gold and valuables.

He has been the physical manifestation of evil since childhood and now is the mastermind behind many of these cults disguised as social justice organizations that have infiltrated our schools, our college campuses and stolen the minds of many.

This monster has openly professed his disdain for the US along with his desire to see it fall within his lifetime and judging by just the few below mentioned groups, he is well on his way to achieving it.

George Soros preys on well intentioned youths by forming activist groups that pose under the guise of social justice, equality and human rights, when in reality they are more akin to cults in the grooming and programming of their members.

These cults openly recruit in middle schools, high schools and college campuses and more accurately resemble fascism in their ideology, methodology and execution of tactics.

Ultimately, after a successful period of entrainment and programming, these misguided members act out orders without question, or realization that it is they, who are actually the ones who are doing the thing they accuse others of.

But “they were only following orders” right?

Some of the groups that he funds, either directly or funneled through his other organizations are Antifa, Black Lives Matter, The Sunrise Movement, The Black Panthers (New not the Original BP) and Open Societies Foundation to name a few.

A more comprehensive list of some of his other organizations can be found here:

If you are a concerned parent who's child is in one of his "social justice" activist cults, or someone considering getting into, or out of one, hopefully this will give you a little more insight into this overtly racist and evil man and his real intentions behind funding these organizations. None of them are what they appear to be on the surface and ALL of them are designed to divide us as a people and break down society as a whole.

Don't let evil win. Spread the word, because the more it gets out, the less power this maggot has.


Below, is a resource for cult deprogramming in case you are in need, or have a loved one involved in one of these Soros cults and don't know where else to turn:

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