Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt March 2021

4 years ago

This little Globalist WEF thug needs to be sent packing...

Hunt was Director of Strategy to the World Economic Forum, which is now implementing The Great Reset, and he continues to do the WEF's totalitarian bidding like a good Kapo...

Greg Hunt says a “myth-busting unit” 👻👻 was set up quietly in 2020 within the Department of Home Affairs to target people who spread misinformation online.

So in summary, today we’ve learnt so far the Australian Federal Government has set up a team to target ”anti-vaccine movements“ — despite the fact we are endorsing “pro-choice and informed consent.“
Also, State Police will now be using a “little black book” to monitor, enforce and deter those individuals who bespoke such “myths” — despite it being all 100% factual, evidence-based, peer-reviewed and at times, the Governments own words that end up biting them in the a$$.
Honestly — I think these are the actions and words of a desperate Government that now realises their plans for installing “The Great Reset” in Australia are rapidly crumbling.

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